
Why can't people leave lady Diana alone?

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Why can't people leave lady Diana alone?




  1. I know...she wasnt all that

  2. Because too many people get sucked into conspiracy theories, and as such just will not believe that it WAS AN ACCIDENT.

  3. There is meant to be an inquest in to the death of any British national which happens overseas. It is odd it took 10 years, but I am sure the inquest will come to the sensible conclusion that the driver drove too fast and was not capable of driving. Diana was killed at the hands of a drunk driver. She wasn't the first and won't be the last.

    The idea she was murdered doesn't make sense. No motive, and no method. Can you really expect the driver to agree to commit suicide to kill her? It is just silly. And who would have any reason for it? She wasn't a royal anymore so what she did had no effect on the royals.

    Her death shouldn't elevate her to sainthood. Let's not forget she loved to court the press when it suited her, and as for adultery, Charles may have done it first, but on sheer numbers she wins hands down.

  4. The Royals all wish we'd leave her alone,,but thats coz Phillip had them bumped off,,where is Prince Phillip these days,,keeping a very low profile since Diana's funeral.

    We should dump the royals,,a bunch of freeloaders who can kill

  5. i know what you mean, i would never prod a dead body...WHOA.

  6. i dont know im sick of seeing her i feel sorry for her boys.long may charles and camilla reign now theres true love for you

  7. Because she's bloody dead and can't fight back!!!!!!!!

  8. People can, its journalists that don't because it sells newspapers and magazines.

    Create doubt, suggest conspiracy, emphasise the romantic connection, and maybe a little more, and the money rolls into the media as so often the case when it is "shock, horror, drama, fantasy".

    Sad, but reality.

  9. She still has the ability to sell newspapers.  I do wonder whether it will still be going on in another 50 years time.  The demand for items about her doesn't show any signs of diminishing.

  10. Well the media is gonna write whatever sells and make $$$, right? They don't care what really happened to Diana, their main priority is to create news and rumors so people like you and I would run to the newstand, and buy a $5 magazine with maybe 1-2 pages dedicated to "breaking news" and the rest are all phony weight loss advertisements.

    Magazines and news agencies with no morals will do whatever they can to generate sales and profits, even after many attempts made by Prince William and Prince Harry to let their mother rest in peace.

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