
Why can't people share the Holy Land?

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It seems rather trivial to me, I do not understand why people have fought over it for centuries. Even today, what's the big deal with having a United State of Palestine and Isreal? What, becuase they're different races and religion? What does that have to do with anything, the only way to end corruption within a political system is to seperate it from the Church, and why is race such a big deal?




  1. Israel has built a great nation.

    Palestine is a crappy place.  where no one wants to be.  They even try to go into Israel.  To get away from people like themselves.  Who are evil.  And just want to beat women.  And kill other people.

  2. yep can't wait to hear this answer....

    all i can think is if Ireland can work it out...

    and we can work it out over here...

    w/all the various variables of religion here....

    why oh why can't they work it out.

    it'll take aliens coming down to make people realize we are all the same...and we need to get along.

  3. Israel was created by England and the US to provide security for  the control of oil in the mideast. It offers a strategic advantage militarily against the people who live there and should actually be owning it. Prior to 1958, for example, Iraq's oil was owned outright by Britain who had colonialized the whole place after world war 1.

    The "Holy Land" is just a ruse used by the western powers to justify their presence there. Moses has nothing to do with it.

    Its no coincidence that Israel is by far America's #1 recipient of foreign aid.

  4. Because there is nothing to share .The Holy Land=Israel a Jewish state for life.Why can't the USA share Texas with Mexico.because Texas does not belong to Mexico.It only belong some goes with Israel.The Jewish state of Israel belong to Jewish people.And for God Sake.before you start saying Why can't The Holy land be share with the Palestine.Do you some Research before asking Anit Semetic question.There is no Palestine people.They have 0 right to the state of Israel.

  5. How?

    After the land title of ownership was long gone and was lost with time.

    Exodus 19.5

    With the time-travellers passing by in time making a mess out there with self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 19.9-10

    When the blunders and slip-ups with human errors was created by the dead Mummy back in the past without being aware of it being expose in time.

    Luke 10.24

    Getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Matt 23.27

    What do you think?

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