
Why can't people take good pictures?

by Guest65201  |  earlier

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Whether you are listing something on eBay or listing a house for sale, the picture should be good. "A picture's worth a thousand words" and can speak volumes about what you are trying to sell. I can't stand when people list fuzzy dark pictures on eBay, or when real estate agents list pictures of a house, taken at weird angles, or too close to something. You think a "professional" house seller would know better...




  1. I take excellent photographs.  I have for years.  

    However; i have NOT ONE acceptable snap of myself.  

    So i generally agree with you.  People do not know how to photograph.

  2. Some people can't be bothered with reading the manual that came with the camera, learning about lighting or focussing. They just point the camera and whatever they get, that's what they get.  They're just not -into- photography.

    And I think some people do it on purpose.  They take a picture from far away on purpose to hide flaws.

    My GF's family takes the worst pictures you ever saw.  Usually from far away.  The whole person, from head to toe, takes up maybe 3/5 of the height of the picture.  They say "Well I just wanted to get in some of the background".  But you can't even tell who the subject is!  Especially with the sun behind him like that.

  3. Real estate agents - historically speaking, are not quick to embrace technology.  In some areas of the country, the old fashioned B&W mls books with the little Polaroid-like pictures haven't been out of print for more than a couple years!  It takes time to learn to operate a camera well and many Type-A salespeople can't be bothered with that!

    For fun, check out this guys blog where he regularly unbelievably bad pictures from the MLS.  It's a feature called "Bad MLS Photo of the Day."

  4. Some people don't care what picture they put up because they know their profile will get more views just because they even HAVE a picture. Therefore they're banking on naive buyers who accept things at face value and/or want to buy whatever product being sold, quickly, rather than researching a little more and putting more work into it than they have to.

  5. becuz they are all ignant.. they cant work a camera

  6. ok

  7. not good picture takers

  8. appearances can be decieving dont cha know?

  9. Pretty much because they're ignorant to be honest.

  10. I know!

  11. laziness!!

  12. I agree! Although it may seem as if they "can't take good pictures", it's not the person's problem... The camera probably distorts it somehow. I'm not sure why, but maybe you can figure it out on Google/ Yahoo or something... Good luck! :)

  13. idk

  14. I agree, some people just don't use their brains.

  15. i know what you mean about ebay. i just dont buy form those ppl. if they cant take the time to take a good pic, i feel that maybe the what they are selling isn't as good as they make it out to be.

  16. I am guilty of doing this. I'll be honest here. I just dont give a d**n. No really, i'll tell you the truth now: No matter what angle, what lamp I used, what location I put the thing in, the darn camera just sucked!

    But, for what its worth, once you buy my auction, I can buy a better camera.  

  17. Yea i agree... to an extent. They are purposely taking bad pictures, not wanting to give you the idea that the house might actually be a complete dump. They dont want to get a good detailed picture so you dont see how bad it really is.  

  18. hmm...

    maybe the real estate agents hate their jobs, and the ebay people dont even care.

    idk.... sorry

  19. prob got a S****y camera, if dark

    or the people are retarded?

  20. they don't know how to use their cameras

  21. ------------cause they don't look as good as me-----------------

  22. I guess we all can't be professional photographers like yourself.

  23. Because most of them don't care about quality, they just want their money. Sad I know.

  24. A "professional" house seller, does HIS job professionally - selling houses. A photographer would do his job professionally by taking good pictures.

    Not everyone knows how to take good pictures, and not just that, not everyone can see on a bad picture that it looks really bad.

  25. many of them aren't pro photographers and maybe the have bad camera..who knows

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