
Why can't she just understand and back off??

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So about 3 years ago my mom got a used 4 year old laptop from a co-worker. The laptop wouldn't charge and it had no usb port. The power cord and port at the time had a minimal short in it. It wasn't very bad.

Now, 3 years later the short is horrible, I can have the laptop on my lap and sneeze and it'll shut off. There still is no usb port and now the number keys don't except 5 and 6. Thats partially my fault, a candle fell on it from my top desk shelf and I say partially because it my moms fault for buying such a crappy desk for me.

Using the laptop is such a hassle and I cannot stand it.

Between the number keys not working(I cant sign into anything, I have to google the numbers and copy and paste), the laptop shorting out and it shutting off, I spend way too much time on the computer. Something that should take 15 mins takes an hour.

My mom yells at me for staying online so long but h**l its not my fault.

My brother uses my old desktop and hardly lets me use it, for school papers and to update my iPod and my mom is always on her laptop, so using another computer isn't an option.

I get super pissed and frustrated with my laptop and my mom says my anger is unreasonable but there is no way in h**l it isn't.

I am not asking for her to get me a new one, I am not asking S**t from her.

All I want her to do is understand that laptop is very hard to get things done on and I am not going to just not never going spend time on the computer but when I do she can't get pissed at me for spending a long time on it and she can't get pissed when I get pissed because the POS shorts out on me and shuts off on me like 50 times when I get on it.

If you were wondering. I am on her laptop now.

But what can I say to Kujo to to get Kujo to BACK OFF?

I am 19. I plan on buying a new laptop for myself when I have the money saved up.




  1. You sound like a spoiled brat who needs her bare butt blistered.

  2. This is way too domestic for anybody to be able to give you a helpful answer - you'll have thought of and tried everything that's possible already I'm sure. Honestly love, until the last sentence I assumed you were about 14. You're only a year younger than me and wow, for you to write all that about that, you are really lucky if these are your only issues in life! Sorry but you just have to accept, it's her laptop, and parents can be annoying about c**p like that, at the end of the day, old, crappy, second hand, whatever, it was her money that bought it so she makes the rules. That's life. Stop rebelling and keep saving!

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