
Why can't snazzy women find anybody?

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women like this are wack!!! you can't find anybody to put up with your attitude and you go on with the all men are dogs theory....WTF




  1. A person that is attractive on the outside but ugly in the inside is like a frosted cake filled with s**+ t. It might look good from a distance but it stinks when you are near it. And makes you throw up when you taste it.

    So my advice for those "snazzy" women are to try and better themselves from the inside out. After all the outside wont last forever, but your inside can last until you die.

  2. What middle school are you talking about, so I can give a clearer answer.

  3. What is your definition of snazzy?

  4. Not true ! But obviously, you wont understand.

    Mudkip ! You go girl !!!

  5. Judging by the one I know it is because such women are as pain in the a.rse.

  6. Snazzy means "extremely attractive or stylish; flashy; fancy: a snazzy dresser."

    Why can't extremely attractive or stylish women find anybody? I don't know, I'd think they'd find lots of people!

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