
Why can't some people accept that NHL hockey has thrived in cities like Tampa Bay and Dallas?

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Why can't some people accept that NHL hockey has thrived in cities like Tampa Bay and Dallas?




  1. I know Dallas has really cool fans, but the jury is still out on those Tampa fans....lmao.  

    People are just ignorant...don't make it more complicated than it is, TBL.

  2. Maybe I'll give you an answer because I'm some people. The ticket sales don't always tell the tale. I see many stories around here about cheap tickets for sale. In Toronto and Montreal a ticket is never sold for less than the price printed on the ticket. There aren't free ticket nights at the local Bingo Hall. Each of Montreal's 21K seats at the Bell and Toronto's 19K seats at the Hanger are sold before the first puck of the season is dropped. There are no seat sales. There are no bargain tickets Scalpers routinely charge 3-4 times the ticket price for a ticket.

    The real answer to the question of thriving is how much do you put into the equalization fund. If you are a depositor. Hockey is thriving. If you make a withdrawl from the fund. Hockey is suffering. Very simply in Toronto If the games were played in the Rogers Centre (seating 55,000) there would be a sellout crowd for over half the games. And the cheapest ticket would be over $20. That is every game would be like the winter classic.

  3. because its so hot that they think hockey is no use there.                                                                                                                           Dallas Stars rock

  4. Well, since there are so many satisfactory answers so far, I will add my diabolical twist to it.

    It's due in part to snobbery. Many feel that since so many teams were established after their particular team that the new one's just aren't worthy of existence.

    Then, that extends to where they live. Their locale is better than everyone else's. Lest we forget that expansion usually occurs in cities that DON'T already have a team.

    Which is kind of funny when you get right down to it. I mean, there can only be one team that came first and only one first city.

    Trust me when I say, that anyone who thinks like that are too dumb to know that they are putting their ignorance on display - and will argue for their right to do so.

  5. Very Simple. Warm weather Bias. We can go to games in shorts after hitting the beach. They cannot. They don't really know how many fans are down here . They are jealous and they want hockey only where they are cold. Kind of selfish if you ask me.

  6. Maybe their jealous that these teams are talented and have won a Stanley Cup in the past few years and their team hasn't. I don't have a problem with having one team in Florida, but two is a bit much. Get rid of the Panthers and the Thrashers.

  7. I Think it's deeper then that. I feel once again it is our ignorant friends from those areas(see nascar section). You see alot of people have moved south over time. Those people where hockey fans and came to a city without the sport. So they end up behind there "New Home" team. But those swing bags from those citys who never appreciated hockey still chose not to. After watching the playoffs this year I don't think anyone with half a brain on the subject can say anything less then Hockey is ALIVE in Nashville and Dallas.

  8. Because some people are thick headed they think because it never snows in those cities that maybe a cold sport shouldn't partcipate.It's those same people that think that all Flyers fans are rude aholes.You can't change peoples minds so don't even bother.However,nobody is ever going to convince me to stop thinking that Bettman should get the Thrashers out of Atlanta though.

  9. Probably lack of information.  Your question inspired me to look up the attendance- see link below.  Even in an off year for the team Tampa was 8th.  in 2006 and 2007 they were in the top 3.  

    Interesting if you sort on road attendance Tampa and Dallas are at the bottom.  ie  where they are the road team.  For Tampa I guess that is the product of playing 20% of your road games in FLA and Atlanta 2 of the lowest drawing teams.

    That is enough of an agruement for a new schedule right there. 8/41 road games in FLA and atlanta.

  10. By some people you mean Hartford, Quebec, and Winnipeg fans. I always hear them crying about this. Go Rangers!

  11. Most are just idiots that have never been to these places.  I attend many Canes games and the fans are very passionate about their team.  Ofcourse half of the crowd is relocated yankees.

  12. Because they're cranky due to their various reproductive parts having frozen off long ago.

  13. Because some people are just thick-headed snobs.

  14. Because they don't like Hockey in warm Weathered places like Dallas and Tampa, because its mainly a Northern sports.

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