
Why can't some people just accept that they are no longer loved?

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Is it not a waste of time going around telling lies and destroying the reputation of the ones that no longer love them? Thanks so much.




  1. can you?

  2. It's practicable, psychologically comforting, for you to make an assertion about "some people" in relation to "love". Only a bourgeois would introduce efficiency - waste of time - into the relation. And then I am treated to a thanks on leaving the shop? Despicable!

  3. Georgie Porgie pudding and pie,

    kissed the girls and made them cry,

    when the boys come out to play

    Georgie porgy runs away ...

    At a time restraining orders, court injuctions and security no longer suffice you are required to be firmer in your repudiations, mindful of being horridly spurned by the twisted hand of fate JL. ...

  4. low self esteem

  5. When people are hurt they tend to go through the five stages of acceptance. anger is the strongest and can last the longest, as can depression. If they're viscious rumours just being said out of spite then the people who know you won't listen to them.

    Give the person a chance to get over it and you'll soon find they'll eventually move on.

    If that doesn't work then maybe talk it over with them and hopefully resolve matters that way.

  6. It is a waste of time, but some people aren't satisfied until the person they hate (or the person who no longer loves them) is no longer able to function in society.

    Sometimes they do that because the one they're "destroying" can't defend themselves and it makes them feel powerful.

    You need to realize that both people play a part in this attitude and many people would do something bad to you because you are talking about them. Even if what you say is true. And when they say is a lie.

    Sometimes your anger is stronger than you. Sometimes you just feel let down and don't know what else to do. It's not always easy.

    We all do things that are a waste of time. Your ego makes you think you have the right to hurt others because of one thing or another. Some people are able to control that but others just don't know how to.

    I guess it depends on how you think. There are so many things that are a waste of everyone's time but they still go on today.  

  7. because its a hard thing to accept... leaving is easier than being left behind. they could feel betrayed maybe? and they try not to by acting hatefully masking the sadness but its really there feuling the hate

  8. they are needy.  they have the mental thinking that to be loved is to be needed and this gives them a sense of purpose with that gone they become vengeful and malicious.there illogical thinking says that they will force the love back onto them.  

  9. love is a strong feeling

    it can make you do things

    even when the love is gone

  10. it hurts too much

  11. U seem angry. U need to talk this out with someone like your priest. You will not get answers here.

  12. You are very right in what you say.

    And if it's any consolation to you, I

    have just realised that I'm Not.

  13. ask yourself: did she/he really love you or it was you who thought that she/he really love you?

  14. Its just one of the human attributes that gives rise to "frustration" which turns into an expression of displeasure for the fact.

  15. You are so right, but it's difficult to accept that this person doesn't love you anymore....

  16. A person going around destroying reputations of those he/she once loved, loses his/her reputation first.   It is not only a waste of time, it is a waste of humanity, good manners, ethics and therefore reputation.

    People, we cannot accept the fact we are no longer loved because love is like oxygen.

    People , we should honour and respect our good relationships even when ended.

  17. I fell in love with myself.  I am almost 45 and many of my exes are my friends and my husband's ex wife has never given me any problems.  There are only a rare few that are just a distant memory.  I helped my ex boyfriend get a good job.  My husband is an attorney and we gave him a good reference.

  18. Because they feel that love is pain and revenge is sweet.

  19. We should have a button that was off at the same time ... but as this happens ... it is very difficult for those who still loves admit that it is no longer loved him ... all forms of attempts to seek another in what you think born yet.

    Only time will carry it ... the key is to wait.


  20. I'm in a kind of fear to express my thought regarding your question! the main cause of my fear is that, I never experienced this situation when I did feel, I'm no longer loved by anyone. LOVE is not like a paint--------once I was painted by him or her & now I'm not painted!

    Love is such an emotional matter that stays as it was. Yes, I do accept that a person loved me once & now doesn't, huh! What does that mean? To me, in fact, the concerned person left me only, not the LOVE once I was blessed with. Believe me, at my college life, a girl fell in love with me & obviously I fell in love in return. Then I went to fight as a liberation army for my country; war was continued for 9 months; returned to my free motherland with BIG hope to get my lover; and was informed the girl flew away with another handsome :-)

    Interesting thing is this, LOVE is still there inside me! Can you blame my love at all? Can you blame her love at all? If I blame her love, in fact I was blaming LOVE itself! Telling lies or destroying reputations etc are the outcome of one's own narrow mind.

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