
Why can't some people just admit that they're sexist?

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If you don't believe that men and women are equal, or you don't believe they should have equal rights, why are you so scared to come out and say that you are a sexist? :-)




  1. I don't believe women have less or more value than men. But I do believe they're different in many ways. Am I sexist? No. But according to some of the members here, I am.

    Why the need to label people as "sexist" just because they have different notions of gender and gender roles from you?

  2. I can't believe I actually agree with you on something.

    That question you asked is my biggest reason I don't like feminism because it is sexist.

  3. I am not scared... I think you are sexist. Why dont you come out and admit it...???

  4. You first.  Feminists are sexists and hypocrites.

  5. I am sexist in some cases..........

    But I believe everyone are equal in general and deserve equal rights.

  6. Whats your point, everyone is either racist, sexist, or in some other way prejudiced against some other group... There is noone who is completely unbiased towards everything and everyone, so what is your point? Stop trying to stir the pot in such amateur ways, leave it to experts like me ;-)

  7. I've never denied it, dear.

    I think men and women are chemically equal and that's where it ends.

  8. Does this make me sexist?:

    I believe that men are more logical than women

    I believe that women are more nurturant than men

    I believe that men are stronger than women

    I believe that women are more articulate than men

    I believe that men are more competitive than women

    I believe that women are more sociable than men

    I believe that men have better map-reading skills than women

    I believe that women are better at remembering the location of objects than men

    I believe that men make better leaders

    I believe that women are more psychologically perceptive

    I believe that men place a higher emphasis on physical appearance than women when looking for a partner

    I believe that women place a higher emphasis on status and wealth than men when looking for a partner

    I believe that all of these differences stem from inherent differences between men and women.

    If the answer is "yes" then I'll freely admit to being sexist.

  9. How many people do you think would actually admit to deserving to wear a negative label? Very few people have that amount of balls.

  10. Really who?  List please and with labels too.


    Why do you go about calling everyone scared?  Scared of what or I think you might be referring to whom and usually there is a list right?  I've been on here long enough to see that so where is your list of sexists?

  11. Fine. I am sexist and think MEN are better than women. Happy now?

  12. Everyone is a little sexist.  I think the abortion arguments prove it.

  13. Not sure what caused you to pose this question, but I don't think there are many people in society who don't feel that men and women are equal in the eyes of the law.  

    On a related note, do you feel that if men and women are equal, that women should be required to sign up for the military draft, as all men do?  How about testing standards?  Don't you think that any testing, physical fitness testing in particular, should be the same for men and women rather than more lax standards for women as is the case nearly universally?

  14. You are making a mighty big assumption there...that people are "scared" to come out and say they are sexist.

    I'm certain there are many people who believe, according to religion or other sources, that men and women are not equal.  )That is not my belief, but there are certainly people who feel that way.)  They don't see anything wrong with their thinking, and they certainly don't go around oppressing women because of it...but the negative connotations of the word 'sexist' would not have them associating themselves with it...because they do not believe that their thinking is negative!

    In another question, you have clearly disregarded and disrespected the beliefs of antifeminists, as ignorant and without basis in actual theory.  I find that thinking flawed...but I will not label you because of it.  In fact, I find many radical feminists to be EXTREMELY sexist...but they don't come out and declare themselves as such...are they scared?

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