
Why can't teens adopt kids and take them in as there own?

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Why can't teens adopt kids and take them in as there own?




  1. They are MINORS. They are not OLD enough to LEGALLY adopt a child.

    Do you know how much it costs anyway? It's thousands of dollars at least. And how is a teen going to afford clothes, food, a house, doctor care, dental care, eye care (what if the kid needs glasses?). Kids are NOT cheap.

  2. Teens are not mature enough to handle that responsibility alone,nor financially handle it...most cannot care for themselves let alone another child.

  3. same reason mature folks disagree with teen parents. They are NOT responsible enough nor capable of supporting themselves and a child!

  4. Many are not mature enough and ready to take on that responsibility.....They're still kids themselves

  5. Because most teens can't even take care of theirselves much less a baby. For example, my fifteen year old sister in law is pregnant and she still has my mother-in-law doing everything for her.  I am surpised she still doesn't wipeher butt for her too.  So I can imagine what kind of mother she will be.

  6. Because even if you think your mature for your age you do the most changing and maturing between 18 and 21

  7. I see your point, but society doesn't even want to let a pregnant teen keep her OWN child, so I highly doubt we're ready to let teens adopt.

    But then again, we do allow single people to adopt, while we readily convince single pregnant women that raising a baby by herself is wrong.  So, who knows...the hypocrisy abounds.

  8. Because very few teens are ready and able to devote the time it takes to be a good parent.  (And of course, a lot of older people aren't willing to, either!)  Teens aren't likely to have the education or training to be in a position to support a child.  There are those who do, and do a good job, but if you were giving a child up for adoption, would teens be your choice as ideal parents for your child?  You'd probably want them to have more stability, education, and to be out of their growing years and have gotten their own childhood behind them.

  9. Teens aren't financially stable, nor are they mentally ready, to take on a child. They are still basically children themselves. I'm seventeen years old and pretty mature for my age, but I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to handle that responsibility at this point in my life, nor would I want to.

  10. Maybe because teens should not be parents? Just a thought

  11. Because they are TEENS. They are not emotionally or financially prepared to be raising a kid(adopted or otherwise). Heck, most are still kids themselves.

  12. you have to be a legal adult


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  13. They have no way of supporting them.  The point of putting a child up for adoption is so they find a loving stable home and are no longer a finacial burden to tax payers.

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