
Why can't the American media say anything positive about the Chinese olympics?

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My hobby for years has been to compare CNN news with European, Mexican, and Japanese news shows.

It's really interesting how CNN has an extremely biased view about Iraq, but that's another subject.

I can't understand why can't the USA stop making negative comments about the China Olympics.

The entire world is happy with them.

The entire world seems to talk about how great it was from China to create so many jobs hiring people to prepare the city for the Olympic games. While the USA can only say they should've given the money to the poor.

Pretty much every channel in Europe, Latin America, and Japan keep making stories on their news shows about the Chinese history, culture, economy, people, traditions. Every channel in the world is trying to educate people about the many things to be known about the Chinese.

Every channel, except American channels. American networks don't want to educate Americans, it seems like they are trying to convince Americans that China is evil.

American channels seem to rant over and over about anything they can criticize. Whether it's a lipsynching girl, or whether MAYBE the Chinese gymnasts are too young, or whether the pollution MIGHT, POSSIBLY, IN SOME WAY be affecting the athetles.

I still have not seem anyone in any American network say anything positive about the Chinese olympics. It seems they are looking for thing to pick on, and criticize.

I can't remember American network be such jerks at the Australia or Greece olympics.

American media seems to have a agenda to trash the Chinese as much as they can.





  1. I share the same feeling as you do and here are a few reasons I would like to share with you:

    a) American media has always been a left arm to voice Uncle Sam's intention. I know we live in "Democratic" nation with the right of freedom of speach. But  Uncle Sam sets the tone for the media. Another words, instead of Voice of America, or Voice of Truth, it should be called Voice of Uncle Sam.  Because Uncle Sam has always been trying to shift his people's focus from domestic mess into internation arena, so it has always been correct to beat up the Communist China (Do you still remember what Bush said  about China the day before he arrived at Beijing?) With that tone being set, CNN and the rest of the news media  just mobilizes all its resource to beat up China.  Here is an old Chinese proverb that has pretty much describes such scenerio "Pick a bone inside  ToFu", which means we all know there is no bone in ToFu, but someone insists on doing it to satisfy his boss's desire. What a pity.

    b) CNN, by itself, always stands out to make enemy with Chinese people. If one still remeber the Chinese Tibetan protest incident in last May, it was CNN's anchor who led the way to call Chinese nation  as a thug!  Chinese people has always been respecting Americans. But look at that trash talking CNN anchor who was calling Chinese people thug. Is that racism, discrimination, or something else?

    c) Next, who really controls CNN and the rest of American media, you know it, I know it, but no body has ever challenged them. Whose voice does CNN really represent? At least, CNN deost not represent  American voice but a few political powerful, financially rich people.

    It reminds me a story I heard as I was a child:

        A so-called "WISE" king wants to show how fair and democratic he was, for every nation's important decision, he would anounce that proposal loudly to his people in public. After that he would let "HIS PEOPLE" to take a "VOTE" on his proposal with one condition, which was  who ever participated the vote, had to blow his GOLDEN TRUMPET loudly to mean "YES", otherwise means no.  So all the King's decisions were made by those people who could afford to buy a Golden Trumpet.  This story has pretty much portrays todya's  situation in American media. Do you agree with me?

  2. In a nutshell, the media does that the same reason they trash Russia and support the puppet state of US -Georgias aggression. The media are not objective, hang on to the old traditions and wars and are run by a very exclusive group of a majority of one persuasion. Fortunately you and I know this but  I worry the average american who just hears headlines on tv, radio or the paper is totally brainwashed. Which of course is why they are ready to send their sons and daughters into any war or attack on a sovereign nation spending a trillion dollars when people in the US need help

  3. Trade Rivals and because China will eclipse The U.S.A.

    Also over China buying oil from Sudan.

    The U.S. wants it.   Also Chinese athletes are trashing U.S. ones at the olympics. This would be the time to talk of all the beggers sent away out of site by police during The Olympics in North America when they had them.

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