
Why can't the GOP silence Alaskan newspapers on Palin's experience?

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"Alaskans are delighted because the eyes of the world will be on Alaska as Sarah Palin campaigns for the vice-presidency."

"And it's stunning that someone with so little national and international experience might be heartbeat away from the presidency."

"She's a total beginner on national and international issues."

"Like McCain, Palin doesn't mind using government to dictate individuals' personal choices. She staunchly opposes abortion and same-s*x marriage, which will help energize the religious Republican base."




  1. LOL, how does Axelrod silence all MSM

  2. Lol, I agree and she must've been on drugs to name her children Track, Willow, Bristol, and Trig(ger)!!

  3. McCain picked Palin after the right wing nixedhis choice (Lieberman).  It was sort of a "Take that!" reactionary thing.  Nobody knows her so the media will be digging through her life like gophers in a cabbage patch.  

    This should be fun if not interesting.

  4. Because I think those same Alaskan newspapers and other media outlets are aware the rest of the country doesn't know much about Gov. Palin.  So they are more than eager and waiting to provide the rest of the country stores about her.  But for a price of course!  The question is what will those newspapers and other media outlets say?  We shall see.

  5. Let me add this to the list:

    State Senate President Lyda Green said she thought it was a joke when someone called her at 6 a.m. to give her the news.

    "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?" said Green, a Republican from Palin's hometown of Wasilla. "Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?"

  6. From 'The Nation'


    Apparently the people in her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska, population 8,471, even thought of recalling her as mayor after she fired the city police chief and library director (!) for not endorsing her mayoral campaign.


    Yeah... nice choice.

  7. from things i have read alot of this "news" comes from VERY liberal news sources that make Fox news look non-slanted LOL

  8. Because despite all the progress Bush has been able to make towards restricting personal freedoms and personal rights he has not been able to shut down the free press. But no worries - if another Republican gets into office he will pick up where Bush left off.  

  9. Answer to your question:  the first amendment.

    Answer to quotes:

    I have cast as many votes in my lifetime as Obama or Biden, which is what they do for a living.  Thus everyone who votes has the same kind of experience they do.  

    Congress does not negotiate treaties, does not command any armed forces, does not enforce any laws, unless they impeach a president or something.  They are the legislative branch; they propose or vote on laws, either in committees or on the floor.

    Congress does provide advice and consent for treaties and appointments, but it is still a majority vote, not an individual decision.

    The senators make decisions en mass as a group. Then both the House and the President have to agree with them.  They don't really run much of anything, other than a small staff or perhaps a committee.  The Vice President, part of the executive branch, actually presides over the senate.

    Anyone who

    *Is at least 35 years of age

    *Is a natural-born citizen of the United States of America, and

    *Has resided in the United States the last 14 years

    is just as qualified to be president of the United States as any of the candidates that will appear on your ballot.

    Some may have more relevant experience, but they are all still qualified.  Only two candidates have experince in the executive branch of the government; Governor Palin and Senator McCain.  Note that the armed forces are part of the executive branch of government.

    Every legislator, if they actually vote, makes decisions that "dictate individuals' choices."  That is their job.  The executive branch enforces these laws.

    So what is the point?

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