
Why can't the Packers trade Favre to the Jets/Tampa then have them trade Favre to Minnesota?

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Why can't the Packers trade Favre to the Jets/Tampa then have them trade Favre to Minnesota?




  1. It's common practice to put stipulations in the trade contracts that won't allow a back door trade like that. Usually it's for 18 months, (not quite 2 seasons). Otherwise alot of teams would be pulling stunts like that to get players they wanted.  

  2. If Tampa Bay is trading for Favre, it's because they want Brett Favre to play QB for them, not to help out the Vikings.  

  3. the packers could add a clause in the trade saying that if Jets/Bucs trade Favre to Minnesota, the jets/bucs would have to lose draft picks. apparently it is common practice.  

  4. here's what they could do, bucs get favre, release him Vikings pick him up and release a few players that the bucs want. It's not a trade now is it? that would suck for the packers.

  5. Apparently that is the rumor, that the Buc's will trade him to Minnesota. Green Bay will probably put a clause in the trade deal so that can't happen.

  6. That would be great!!

    Who wouldn't want to see Brett and the Viks go up against the Pack in GB on the first Monday night game!!


  7. the packers wouldnt accept it....if i were a viks fan i would want garcia  

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