
Why can't the President grant Marion Jones ammunity so that she doesn't have to serve time in prison?

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Marion Jones has, despite knowing that as a consiquence of her confession of guilt, would lead for her being stripped of her medals, along with being stripped of the dignity that she once had with people who admired her, as well as held in great respect due to her grand achievements as an athlete, has suffered enough. We can be proud of the courage that she had shown when she came clean about her deception of being a naturally gifted, and the best American, World track star, I just don'f feel as though this non-violent offence deserves prison time. She commited a non-violent crime that she was truly sorry for. She in no way has shown herself as a threat to society, so please let Marion Jones be granted with ammunity.




  1. why not ask the people who lost because of her cheating and lying?. her teamates who now must suffer because of her cheating. she hurt a lot of people that had faith in her. she deserves her fate.

  2. You make her sound like some kind of a political prisoner or a sacrificial lamb.  She's just another doper athlete who was too arrogant to compete under her own power.

    Like all dopers, she was only "sorry" when she got caught.

  3. are you talking about the lying, cheating athlete who humiliated herself, her government and her country.  The one who prob raked in untold amounts of money from advertising and tax dollars for her deception of her abilities?

  4. You should write the president a letter and express your opinion.

  5. EXCUSE me..prison is full of people who comitted non-violent crimes.  she is no different than any one else.  and good grief.. it is six months.  she will be fine.  believe me.

  6. Ok. But why write that here? do you think President Bush is reading Yahoo Answers at 3:00 in the morning? Go to and write him  there. I can tell you from experience you will at the very least get a response.

    Bring up the fact that he commuted his buddy Scooter Libby's two year sentence for the same crime.

    Lying to a grand jury.

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