
Why can't the UK police do anything about my annoying neighbours?

by  |  earlier

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loud music and shouting. Pictures have fallen off my wall, I'm not allowed to go round there as the police say it is my fault if I get hurt. What else can I do? I cannot move house for another 6 months due to the contract




  1. Unfotunately there is nothing you can do except inform the council....and make notes of every time they are loud...............and then you end up sinking into a pitifull wreck....with very little help or sympathy from anyone. I had the same problem for 3 years and eventually was convicted of racially aggravated assault for poking my finger into his cheek ...he was sri lankan....but in no way were my actions motivated by race....i just had enough of their noise.My life was h**l. I had to move in the end. As mentioned, the police don,t want to know untill you blow your top and do something daft. So...if i was in that position again,i would either move or get someone to sort them out whilst you are on holiday . Neighbour disputes are a living nightmare. I felt absolutely helpless and this made me quite ill and sick in the end. I have moved.....and at last i can enjoy peace again....with no thanks to the Police who just didn,t care at all. I got a 3 month jail sentence suspended for a year....a nice thing to have on your crb check when you go for a job .

  2. they can't do anything because in this country everyone is entitled to their rights.. they can't freaking speak a word of english (apparently) but they can say "I know my rights".  This country's going down the pan I tell ya.

    Oh.. Call environmental health when they are disturbing you and they'll go round and sort them out.

  3. Get some mates and go kick the shite out of them, it's the way of the world now do it. Survival of the fittest.

  4. Have you tried talking to them and staying cool?

    OK options:

    try to get the local authority down( speak to citizen advice bureau) for a environmental health officer that deals with noise.

    Speak to your local safer neighborhoods PCSO's and officers, get help from your local council.

    Police should help you even if it is to prevent a breach of the peace.

    Where are you in the UK?

    If things are breaking then it sounds as though there may be a case of criminal damage, especially if you had made the neighbor aware of the effect of their noise.

    have you spoken to the landlord?

    technically if you get hurt  then you may have an assault allegation to give to the police.

    There may also be a case of harassment, if the neighbor continued a conduct that was likely or known to cause distress to you on 2 or more separate occasions.

    make a record from now onwards of dates times and what has happened in a log book.

    Best of luck to you, but the police will help when asked.

  5. To be brutally honest, the Police don't give a ****. Routinely they ignore crimes and they and the politicians lie about the number of crimes they do solve. Best to go round there.

  6. just talk to your neighbors

  7. The police can do very little about it - you need to see the environmental health department. Ask at the town hall.

  8. I had the same problem with my neighbours, I rang the police but they told me to ring my local police station directly so in the end I just had to go around to my neighbours and just reason with them,,,,,,you could start up a petition and then take it to court

  9. This is an environmental health problem and you need to speak to them about it. The council have been less than helpful here they should have given you contact numbers for the environmental health people.

    It isn't a police matter until a breach of the peace takes place, so send the health people round to deal with it. If they get threatened or assaulted you can be sure the police will become involved then. And the bonus is, you will still have all your teeth intact. Let the health people do your fighting for you this time.

    Oh, and the fact that these people own their property wont make any difference. Noise pollution is still an offence

  10. They have to investigate if you ring up - it is law that people are not allowed to make this sort of noise.  They are also not allowed to tell them who reported them.  So if you call them then insist they come out.

    Also it might be worth talking to your landlord, and find out if he owns the other house too, or knows who does.

  11. do they know you think that they are drug taking {insert swear word and do they know what you think about their accents and dress sense?????????it sounds like you've had a chat with them about it and you have insulted them....i suggest when you move to your next house you should try to keep a low profile.especially if the house is in a similar location and is full of chavs.

  12. Because there is no money in it for them.

    Now, if you were a driver, a smoker or someone dropping a bit of litter then they would pounce on you from all directions.

    These days the Police are little more than revenue collectors for the council and the government.

  13. i am having the same trouble seems in this country they can get away with it no laws to help.......i think along the lines that if they act like they do there is no point talking to them anyway will just make it worse if they know it is getting to you .....just try not to let it get you down ....all the best

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