
Why can't the church get their hands off politics?

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Why can't the church get their hands off politics?




  1. Becuase they have nothing else against Obama?

  2. Because Free Speech is for everyone.

    Not just for those you don't like to hear from.

    I have notice something about those who cry "Seperation of Church and State" is code for we don't want those views we disagree with to be express from anyone with a religious background.

    We heard nothing of seperation when Rev Jackson rants on or Rev Wright rants on with their racist comment.

    Yet if a conservative preacher was to say something that liberals don't like than crys of seperation will abound.

    So face it Free Speech is for everyone and I like it that because I don't want the government to tell me what speech should be acceptable and what isn't acceptable.

  3. That's because people are abusing their freedom in every possible way.  People think it's acceptable to have abortions and just have s*x whenever they want to.  That is just disgusting.  If people knew how to behave morally, then there would be no need for the church to get more involved in politics.

  4. Separation of church and state is separation of the institutions.  That doesn't mean we remove God from politics.

  5. I agree...Moslems go home

  6. Everyone one has there hands in politics like it or not every one has an ANNOYING F'N AGENDA they want to cram down your throat.

    Even ME

    VOTE OBAMA 2008


  7. Which church, ......... the African Methodist Episcopal church?

    Why didn't the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. keep his nose out of politics? Why did he politicize from his pulpit? Have Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ever politicized from the pulpit? How about Congressman Emanuel Cleaver of Kansas City?

  8. How do they control the government they don't they vote for people that have good Conservative morals, sorry if that upsets you but remember who put you here GOD, try reading the bible instead of watching CNN

  9. the church's followers have been dissipating since religion is no longer a part of education. they need to force their views on others some other way.

  10. You must mean Islam, right?  The intrusion of Christianity into politics is nothing like the approach of Islam to politics.  Heck there are even Islamic Republics (e.g. Iran, etc.).  Generally Islam believers feel that Islam is superior to the public institutions and should have dominion over them.  Therefore, regardless of civil penalties, sharia law should hold sway, etc.  This is an approach shunned by most Christian sects which believe that religion is a personal affair and not one which should dictate public discourse.

    Let's keep things in perspective here.

  11. The churches of America have the duty to protect the christian people in faith and morals. When the government legalizes abortion, same s*x marriages, the death penalty,

    removal of '' in God we trust''  from our coins,  the phrase '' under God '' from the pledge of legions, the christian people speaking through  their church and protest to the government through their Representatives

    American Christians don't always agree, but we do respect each others right to protest and speak out.

  12. Because politics affect them like everyone else.

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