
Why can't the number of days in one year be divisible by 7?

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Then we could use the same calendar over every year, save lots of paper, and cut down less trees, and help curb global warming, right?




  1. It takes 365 and1/4 days for the earth to make one trip around the sun.  Hence we have 365 days a year and an extra day every fourth year (leap year).

  2. Our day depends on the time it takes the earth to rotate on its axis.  Our year is the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun.  These times are fixed and cannot be changed (short of altering the Earth's orbit- not a good idea)

    Our current calendar is designed so that the same days happen at the same time of the year (since the seasons depend on where we are in our travels around the sun).  We find it convenient for January to always be in the winter, and it is useful to be able talk about specific days in a past year in an understandable way, without having to consult a table on what days happened when in which years.

    You're welcome to change the length of whatever you end up calling a year, but then it wouldn't be a year, since the Earth will not likely oblige us by slowing down.

  3. A change like that would require the entire world's cooperation. The highest priority is to get the calendar as close to the revolution of the Earth as possible. Today's calendar is not perfect but it is close. Changing it like that would be a step backwards.

  4. because as yet the human species does not have the technology to change the speed in which the earth rotates around it's axis, and / or the speed in which the earth rotates around the sun.

    now, if we could make the earth rotate a little slower, so that exactly 364 rotations of the earth around it's axis will match one rotation around the sun, you'll have your wish.

    and since the rate of which the earth rotates around it's axis is slowing down all the time, by something like 1 second every few years, there will be a time in the future when that exact match will happen, but most likely there will be no humans on earth to witness this event.

  5. That's a stupid idea and it's obvious you don't know enough about history to know that, when the calendar was made of equal months... the seasons would creap and the planting and harvesting would change every year, so the current calendar.. the GREGORIAN CALENDAR came about to make the years the same... that is why you have a LEAP YEAR once every 4 years.

    What a stupid question.

  6. Cool idea. i don't kno why people didn't think of that. I t would really help.

  7. Great question.

  8. I agree and great question by the way.

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