
Why can't the philippines send manny pacquiao to the olympics?

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he would be a sure gold medal...besides other countries send professional athletes like NBA players and professional tennis players like Nadal




  1. Although some would love for him to be a part of the olympics and represent the Philippines. Just be happy about one thing that he has sort of already put your country on the map. Pacquiao is known in the boxing world with several countries already.

  2. try asking pacquiao if he wants to compete in the olympics. since the olympics is for amateurs, manny would have to renounce his professional status, give up the P20 million he can supposedly expect in a fight against delahoya. would he want to do that?

  3. Because ssa lot of boxers are not properly nourish and under traun. No scientific training and not much professional trainers

  4. he's not qualified. he's overqualified.

  5. i do agree with Big P...he is Over qualified and is not allowed to join the olympics..

  6. Boxing competition is different. Only amateur boxers will fight in the Olympics. I looked at the U.S. boxing team. These guys are very young. Age ranging from 17 to 23.

    Pacquiao and the rest of the world class fighters are not allowed to fight on this level.

    Since he is a real champion, I believe he is there to inspire,motivate and represent Philippines in a positive light.

  7. This is another big mistake the Philippines made. I often think that some Filipinos' have inherited their crappy thinking from Ate G. One wouldn't need to be a genius to know that the country would have a better chance of getting the 1st gold if we have sent Manny. Just ridiculous.  

  8. he is a real pro

  9. Aside for the age.  It is not prize viable for him to spend the time.  In professional boxing he can win close to 200 Million peso not inclusive of his side bets, and loser would still bring home Millions of peso.  The Olympic medal doesn't worth anything in gold.  Prestige?  Well he already have that.  Manny have to prepare for his up coming fight.. I think it is with Barrera.

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