
Why can't there be a test that will be accurate directly after conception?

by Guest61152  |  earlier

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Who else here hates the amount of time we have to wait to take a test? uh. it's so frustrating




  1. Before the egg implants, there is nothing to measure to identify a pregnancy. And even if there was, there could still be a chance that the fertilized egg might not implant at all- so even if there was a better test, you still wouldn't know if you were definitely pregnant, and you'd be waiting anyway. It's frustrating, but there's no way around it. Just be glad you live in the age of HPT's and you don't have to resort to going to your doctor and waiting several days for results!

  2. OMG, haha, I know what you mean! I wish they'd sell mini cameras that you can insert into yourself after s*x so the camera can follow all the sperm and you can watch the whole process on tv - so you can see if the egg gets fertilized! lol I know, I'm in dream land - but wouldn't that be awesome!?!

  3. i have the 2ww! it just seems longer than it already is especially when you want a positive result so bad! makes it even worse when af comes knocking at your door again.

  4. Omg, the wait is brutal. I just took an early test off the internet, knowing it is way too early as my fertile day's were july 28th through the 31st and of course the test came back negative no surprise there so I am now sitting here It's crazy how many people concieve who aren't trying and do not even want the baby and here we are doing everything we can and it's still not happening. It doesn't seem quite fair. I am starting to think that us trying so hard is delaying the prossess. I know there is no scientific proof to that but I have to wonder. I wish you much luck and lots of baby dust!!!

  5. I hate the 2 weeks wait too it's killer mostly when your want it really really bad and then you get a neg. and think man I had to wait 2 weeks just for that. Also HCG is made in the blood from conception but it's not able to be traced in the urine for a about 10-14 days after conception also I was 8 days past conception and found out I was preg. with my son using blood work. It sucks but not as bad as the 9 month wait for baby!

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