
Why can't these @ssholes commit suicide alone!?

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Why is this happening more and more often? What happened to blowing your F-ing head off in your apartment ALONE!? Why are these suicidal people needing to take innocent people with them!? I dont understand it!? It cant all be a media coverage thing, can it? Why would that be so important? You are dead! How does it matter? Why can't these selfish people die alone! Suicide is horrible but d**n I'm starting to have respect for people who kill themselves...and just themselves!! More people should try it.




  1. they should have a convention or something where they can go shoot each other

  2. this is true.

    BUT, i think a lot of these shootings happen in schools. dont pick on the shy or foregin kid.. make friends. =]

  3. that guy has a mentally problem

  4. Because people today don't take responsibility for their own actions and have to blame other innocent people.  These kids get all pissed off at a teacher for giving them a failing grade when it was their own lack of studying that made them fail, their own neglect in the homework department, etc.  They cannot take criticism or a mockery by others.  They are wimps.  God, we had kids that got picked on all the time in class but you didn't hear of these shootings back then.  Parents today should teach their kids how to handle things better and not get so offended at a little teasing, etc.  Sticks and stones may break my bones...........

    Get some backbone.  How on earth will you survive in the workaday world if you cannot handle school???

  5. If the media would stop dwelling on these things then they wouldn't plant thoughts in kids heads as much. Think back to the first high school shooting that the media made a circus out of. I guess they are loners and the thought of it makes them feel a sence of power. I just think that people like nancy grace and goraldo make things worst by too much media attention.

    Attention is what it's all about. These sick people are lacking attention and they think of them selfs as going down in history by taking out a lot of innocet people. It's a sad thought, but it must be the closest thing to the truth that I could immagine.

  6. Men are just weird.  Always having to go around killing.

  7. Unfortunately the people that do this are getting back at society because they felt they were either ignored, neglected, abused, ridiculed or just plain left alone... It is a way of lashing out at all us that gives them some solace in taking out as many others as they can to even the score so to speak...

    We are all to blame as much as they are... Someone in their lives has let them down. Someone ignored the signs and signals...

    It is much more difficult for these people to live than it is for them to die. You need to walk a mile in their shoes to truly understand...

  8. If you're talking about the NIU tragedy, in this case it seems it was probably something to do with mental disorder.

    They said the shooter stopped taking his medication and had been discharged from the army for psych problems.   Maybe he was schizophrenic, it seems he did have a strong interest in mental health issues and criminology.

    At least part of the blame has to go to a system that allows a mentally unstable person to own guns.  Even allowing a mentally unstable person to go about in the world with out supervision is unforgivable, if there's any chance they could end up causing harm to others.  

    I also can't understand it though, why, what possible reason could they have for wanting to kill other random people too.

  9. they want their few seconds of fame...however it is more than partially the media's fault....they direct far to much attention on these sick the wanna Be's are all watching's catch 22 for the media they can't resist covering these low life cowards because it's the ratings, the ratings, the ratings in other words money...unfortunately there isn't any shortage of these assassins and the constant coverage of the media plants the seed, that they can also have their 15 seconds of fame

  10. It is because they are mentally ill and have delusions or think there are conspiracies against them or someone hurt them, and so they go nuts, can't handle it, and take out a bunch of people before they go.

    The sad thing about it is there are always warning signs the person is about to fly off the handle and go postal, but people do not either pick up on them, or they do not act.

  11. Misery loves company.

  12. agree but then again iz like those ppl most likely have their reasons for doing sumthing.

    but then again itz still dumb. i dont know itz crazy how close to chicago dat shooting took place omg. man im still in shock cuz like yea so close to home.

    i alwayz tried to befriend the lonely ppl cuz yea they kinda scare me now.
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