
Why can't they make a washer and dryer one machine?

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I want to know why we still have two separate machines to wash and dry our clothes. What keeps them from making a machine that washes the clothes, drains the water, and then dries the clothes?




  1. They have made combo before, but problems arose because the lint would get wet and build up and kinda jam things up.  My buddies at Rears and Sawbuck would make a lot of service calls to clean those things out.  You're better off having separate machines which are designed to do each job more efficiently.

  2. Now there's a product I'd love to own! Except knowing me I probably wouldn't.  I personally have a gas dryer, but even if you had electric I'd have a fear of starting a fire unless I knew for sure all the wires were safe.

  3. they do make them. The bad ting about them is it takes FOREVER to get one load done,not good if you have a mountain of laundry to do, but it would be ok if you were single and had very little laundry to do.

  4. As others have noted, they do or did make these types of machines.  I had an aunt that had one but that was many years ago.  The thing is they're not efficient.  The machine is tied up when drying and you can't get the next load in the washer.  With separate machines one can be drying while the other is washing.  As I recall the capacity was not that great either.

  5. I don't know, but that's a good idea. If you can figure out how to do it, I'll be the first one to buy your new wash/dry machine. You could call it drysher, drasher, or washdry.

  6. They do make them.

  7. invent one and then see how far it goes. maybe you will change the world

  8. There's one around....Ive seen one before... I think they make them only for RV's.....

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