
Why can't they make a wheel chair like device large enough for Horses....?

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like the ones you sometimes see dogs or cats in until their borken legs/ankles heal




  1. they probably could, but in the case of Eight Belles, she fractured both front legs.  and as in the case of Guacomo, it was all in vain.  very sad that horses need more stimulation and exercise than a dog.

  2. that's a great idea.  i hate to see how often horses are put down because of an injury to their leg.

    you should look into that...there are sites to apply for patents and you could sell the idea to a company to manufacture it.

  3. I agree, Jennifer!  Wheelchairs for no one!  Ban wheelchairs!

    And also, no more heart transplants!

    Jesus ever-loving christ, some people.

  4. Eight Bells was insured for a lot of money,millions. It is about the money to these people,at least at that level. She was worth far more dead than alive.To collect on the insurance you have to have 2 vets recommend the horse be euthanized.I agree it was the best for her but the problem is that race horses are pushed to hard way to young.Horses are not mature till 5 or 6 years old depending on the breed.Any horse I have ever owned would have kicked the %$#** out of that device. Anyway it would be cruel to try to keep a horse alive with that kind of injury. Maybe Barbaro could have recoverd the money in stud fees had he lived but a mare is just not worth that much money.It really is all about money! So sad.I have 6 horses and my old gelding  is 32 years old. I am just happy I have been able to give my old dear friend such a good life.I can see him right now munching away on our lovely Kentucky grass.

  5. Yeah. Aww...thats sweet. I could just imagine Mr. Ed going around in a wheel chair. They should really do that. Its a shame all this craziness is going on. People need to realize whats really happening.

    Pray for Eight Belles...

  6. Can we please stop the silliness? Honestly. Adults are actually discussing a wheelchair-like device for a horse?!?!  I am done trying to explain this tragedy to people who obviously don't want to take two seconds to use their brain a little before asking a question.

    You're right Sarah.  Horse-lovers 'should' really invent some sort of contraption so that we can extend a horse's pain and suffering for a few extra months merely for our own pleasure.  That IS a great idea.

  7. I thing its because of the extremely flighty nature of horses, it takes so long for them to be trained .

    also the horses strength comes from its back legs and it would put a huge amount of pressure on there front limbs, they aren't the best designed animals , they have to use there frogs ( the soft bit on the bottom for their hoof) to help pump blood back up there legs to the heart , and would not be able to do so if the frog was not coming in contact with the ground.  this can then could problems like swelling of joints and laminitis , which is a very pain full and incurable condition ( though it can be managed )

    the environment that the horses has to move in is alot different then that of a horse, dogs and cats will in our homes were a horse would have to move around paddocks that no amount of looking after could guarantee its flatness of the cart wheels.

    i know that what happened at the derby has got alot of people thinking about horses and there injuries , but if you compare t their anatomy to ours , there lower leg ( knee down) resembles our middle finger , the horses legs are very fragile and a horse can break its legs just as easily in a paddock as on a race track.

    people are also forgetting in this debate about the quality of life a horses would have while it is recovering , which can take years. they would be stuck in a stable , unable to move and find it very difficult to get up the energy to move to get water or hay.  this type of life can lead to other problems , in the horses other legs ( as i mentioned before ) and with there very sensitive digestive system.

    owners have to take all these things into account when deciding the on the best action for horses. the owners and trainers will also be a much better judge of  the horses character to be to know if the horse will mentally be up for what could be years of stable rest

  8. I'm sure you could make one; however, I don't know of any horse I've ever met who could stand being in one for any extended period of time, especially racehorses like Eight Belles.  Horses are flight animals, always on their feet, which is what makes rehabilitating a broken leg so hard.  To confine them in something like a wheelchair, I think 99% of horses would not put up with it.

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