
Why can't they make birth control in a liquid form?

by  |  earlier

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It would be the same concept as the pill, but in something like, that you put in a drink or something. Is it because they wouldn't be able to regulate it as effectively? Would it not work?

Thanks, just curious.

BTW, I would totally use that if they developed it.




  1. There are most likely many medical reasons why LOTS of pills don't come in liquid form. For example, the pills will last longer storage time - liquids do not last that long or have a long shelf life.

    Pills also digest differently and I'm sure if you were drink something like that - it would taste HORRIBLE considering all the chemicals that compose it.

    Women also want something compact to carry around. You see people carrying around their high blood pressure meds, ect. but the only medicines in syrup form tend to be cold medicines and cough medicines.

    Syrups are also dispensed for immediate results - birth control pills are meant to be digested slower and built up in your system,

  2. Probly to stop it from being taken by accident if someones that stupid.

    Or it could be discuised easy so people could give it their partners withous knowing xx

  3. Maybe because if you're not mature enough to choke down a pill you shouldn't be getting it on anyway.  

  4. I think it's in pill form because it's timed released.  

  5. I would use it too being that I can't swallow pills! What a great idea.  I think they have a chewable pill, though.

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