
Why can't this country end the current Welfare System and start a Workfare program ???

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WE have 12 million plus illegals in this country deport them and put these welfare individuals that are capable of working in these jobs if they refuse the job then let them starve or go elsewhere




  1. You are about 12 years too late.  There is that such program.  Welfare has a welfare-to-work program that requires all welfare recipients to participate in 32 hours a week of school, work, or job search.  The only exemptions are those who are disabled or taking care of someone ill or disabled, thoes with children under 6 months, and domestic violence victims (who still have to participate in counseling and victims protection classes).

  2. Bill Clinton tried it and the ACLU declared it unconstitutional

    Remove the spaces in the link below and scroll down to the lower part of the page and read under the heading: A Civil Liberties Concern: Arbitrary and Unfair Targeting of Groups

  3. I believe they tried something similar to that. If on welfare, they would send you to school or train you in a job skill. What happened was those who were accepted as candidates ran out to questionable doctors and got papers saying they were now disabled. That's a slap in the face to those who are truly disabled. The current trend is ADS. A good pop to the  rear end would cure some of the supposed ADS. Just another way they have found to use the current system,.Drug and alcohol abuse should not be elements to eligibility for Welfare.

  4. Because we are a nation of bleeding heart liberals who think everyone who has a hang nail is "entitled" to suck money from the government teat.  I am sick to death of all of it.  Welfare and the like were supposed to be temporary funds made available to people who were having tough times.  It was meant to help them through until they could better their situations.  It was never intended to be a career...and for many it is.  All these lazy, baby making, SYSTEM LIFERS are nothing more than thieves.

    I think a workfare program would be great and more over provide folks with dignity and skills to get back on their feet in a respectable honest way.  Now we have someone like Obama who is promising them even more....go figure.  If he gets elected our economy will be tanked.


  5. I would be very much for a system as we had way back

    when. CCC Camps. WPA, and others like them. If your

    on public assistance in this country, You can get up off

    your behind, and sweep sidewalks, you can babysit

    for children of mothers who are on assistance, and are

    out working to better themselves. There are numerous

    things that can be done., We just need organize the

    program and get it mandated in the states,  This would

    in no way detract from those that are disabled or handicapped.

  6. What about people who can't work? Like those who are disabled or very mentally ill? Not everyone on welfare is a lazy loafer, despite what people like to think.

  7. This country made a big mistake when it allowed people to be dependent on the government and discouraged them to work. I think those who are having a hard time should be allowed to be on welfare for at least 6 months to 2 years. This should be enough time for them to get on their feet. After this the welfare should be cut off. No excuses. That was enough time to get it together. The welfare system has created too many people not wanting to work and this lifestyle has been passed on for generations.

    A Workfare Program sounds like a much better alternative to Welfare. It should teach people to be self-sufficient and pass these ideals on their offspring so that America does not continue to create 2nd and 3rd generation Welfare recipients. Even though there are people who really need assistance, there are those who flat out abuse it.

  8. Because it would be political suicide for a politician to even suggest it.

  9. Yes end it and make do, I am 51,white female, no children and was getting divorced after 27 yrs..Had to move 3 states away to get to a support group of friends to start over.  I tried every temporary option to get some help, welfare, unemployment, and I had worked since I was 13 yrs. old and i got turned down at all options. Yes I almost starved but went to low pay jobs and am getting my feet back on the ground, but I didnt stay home and sit on my front porch and make more babies.

  10. Because they eliminated a huge number of middle class jobs; and instituted a welfare system designed to support married families within a certain way of life.

    Persons naturally find their own income in an economy that offers a wide variety of jobs--opportunity.

    Businesses that are established outside the country should pay higher taxes--to account for the loss of paid income based taxes.

    p.s. it looks good on paper, yet in times of difficulty persons still become trapped in the government system even when leaving welfare assistance programs.

  11. We don't need a workfare program, we don't need anything.  We just need to cut welfare.  Work or don't eat.  Simple as that.  If people can't work, they need to depend on friends, family, and/or their church.  We didn't have welfare for the first 150 years of this country.  Why do we all of a sudden need it now?

  12. Well I do think the elderly, the sick & parents of disabled kids should still receive aid - more so that healthy folks who refuse to work simply because they'd rather not break a sweat.

    There are PLENTY of welfare recipients who WANT to work & abandon that system - since so many are generational recipients it was only a matter of time before some of them figured that the "welfare life" isnt all its cracked up to be.

    The major problem with "workfare" is that welfare recipients are usually taught how to do labor that doesnt cover the cost of living - which would catapult them back into the same bracket only as the "working poor". To teach them REAL skills like trades or union work seems most logical - but that idea hasnt been embraced so much.

    Plus the non vocational careers are competed heavily for by new college grads, existing college grads, & older folks who may have been downsized somewhere else. So the chances that a welfare recipient will beat out an MIT grad for a job is unlikely - and the unemployment would put them right back into the soup kitchen line.....

    I believe welfare should be reformed - if you accept handouts you need to volunteer civically, or work to better if ands or buts....the fact that we allow too many undeserving people to get handouts & give NOTHING in return is quite nauseating.

  13. We had a workfare program called JOBS (Job Opportunities and Basic Skills).  It was rolled into the "Welfare Reform" of 1996 and gutted.  

    Would it surprise you to know that there is no such thing as "welfare" anymore and that the program that replaced it in 1997 (TANF) contains work requirements unless one has a very young child (and that there is a LIFE TIME LIMIT of 5 years--no matter HOW MANY children you have) so that all this garbage about people "living off of welfare" is utter bs?

    Edit:  And there IS a requirement that if a job is not found they must volunteer for community service.

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