
Why can't this guy i know stop nagging me about becoming a christian?

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it gets on my nerves he's all ways telling me i need jesus in my life and i need to be saved.

he doesn't respect me being atheist so should i stop respecting his belief and start ripping into him about how i think he's been misled and there is no god




  1. That's what they're programmed to do.

  2. Absolutely. If he won't leave you the heck alone with your beliefs, then his beliefs are not respectable.

    Tell him that if he doesn't leave you alone, you'll have him crucified. <g>

  3. Tell him that if he doesn't stop harrassing you, you'll petition the court for a restraining order.  Trust me, it works like a charm and this I know from personal experience

  4. Because he believes it's his Christian duty to do all he can to save you from an eternity of torture by his oh-so-compassionate deity, and I doubt there's anything you can do to disabuse him of that idea. You may need cut off contact. If he's a work colleague, or it's otherwise impossible to stay away from him, complain; unwanted proselytizing is harassment.

  5. He sounds annoying but it would be best to be gentle with him and try to help him find enlightenment (i.e. a rational view of reality).

  6. figure a better way would be to keep pointing out the malevolent nature of god. gets under their skin real bad seeing that god is a bad guy.  

  7. Yes. Or better yet start telling him exactly as he's telling you, but replace 'Jesus' with Thor, Allah, Shiva, Odin, Ra, Zeus, Ganesha, Anubis...etc.

    Maybe, just maybe he will see how stupid he sounds.  

  8. Quiet him with his own beliefs.

    7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

    8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

    9 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,

    10 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat.

    11 And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence.

    12 And when ye come into an house, salute it.

    13 And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.

    14 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

    Tell him it's time to shake that dust off his feet...

  9. Tell him to just leave you alone, you respect him and his beliefs, now he should be Christian and respect you and your beliefs.

  10. Just say "I don't believe in talking snakes" as the answer until he goes away. It works.

  11. the only reason he nags you is because he knows how amazing it is to be a christian and he wants the same happiness for you. he's not doing it to be annoying!  

  12. You should probably start ripping into him a little.  If he keeps it up, you do the same.

  13. if Christians rattle your nerves then why are you here?

    the relationship is doomed...its best to hang out with those like you unless you can listen to his thoughts and respect them....or tell him to just discuss shallow subjects....but some are deep thinkers..

  14. I think in any friendship there has to be respect for the other persons boundaries - If he cannot understand this and doesn't see that he is putting a relationship with you at risk then he isn't ready for relationships with non christians. I think probably ripping into him isn't going to get anywhere either and just makes him a martyr and  brutalizes you -

    Try writing him a letter putting your whole case and telling him what your boundary is and if he cannot respect it he cannot meet with you.

    Some people are just too hard wired into their own stories and cant see beyond themselves.

    You need to police your boundaries with persistent trespassers till they get the message firmly embedded.  Make it his choice though - the ball is in his court - he decides to behave well or not and faces the consequences of his choices.

  15. I can relate to that. My family are always going on at me how God exists and I should go to church (I go at Christmas with them isn't that enough) when I am agnostic. It gets VERY annoying, they are all Catholics and as much as I respect that I don't believe in God without any evidence. It's easier to ignore them, but I told my dad my opinion and how much it bugs me when he goes on and on about me being Catholic and needing to go to church and he isn't so bad. If you did this with your friend, he would probably stop. Don't be rude tell him how much you respect his belief, but you do not share it, and probably never will so will he respect yours ect.

  16. in his opinion he's only trying to help you, so don't just start ripping into him, just tell him that he should give it a rest

  17. Explain to him how you have come to the belief you have. Tell him you'll be happy to read anything he has as long as he'll read information you have. Then give him information that shows how Christianity was just a retelling of earlier myths.

  18. Just tell him forcefully thank you but no thank you, not interested.  If that doesn't work, tell him to just stay away from you.  From my experience, trying to convince radical Christians that they might be off the mark a bit is kind of a waste of breath, so if I were you I wouldn't waste my time...  Good luck!

    Blessed be! )0(

  19. F*ck Him, don't talk to Him anymore.

  20. Nagging preacher types are annoying. Your friend is h**l bent on your salvation.

    You have a few options.

    Tell him you'll conform to Christianity the day he becomes an atheist.

    When Christians and atheists speak of either subject together, it usually turns into an argument.

    If he can't shut his mouth and not preach to you, then, I'd just tell him...'bye'.

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