
Why can't this happen then?

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I just asked a question about why the people of Africa are so poor. (THanks for your answers).

I am now wondering why then, the rulers of the other countries oer the globe cannot step in and make sure the governments of Africa rule fairly etc.?

I am sure there is a very good reason otherwise it would be done already but I do not know it.





  1. If the people feel like they are being controlled by others a world away, they will revolt. When the rebels raise to power so fast, they become corrupt and become what they were trying to destroy.

  2. There is a biased nature about why no help ridding africa of unjust leaders .

  3. Because of sovereignty.

    Imagine your own country, some other country doesn't agree with the stuff that's going on and steps in to make it different?

    For example, if we step in and shoot Mugabe, what guarantee do we have that someone worse won't take their place or that we'd cause civil war and have to dedicate massive finance and troops for many years (Iraq)? Each country is entitled to make their own rules and even if they are bad, it's not up to anyone else to override that. Although there are ways of drawing attention to these things, like seeking the help of the United Nations.

    Western countries only usually step in properly (hypocritically in my opinion) when there's something at stake, like oil in Iraq. Also we can't economically afford to go around solving other countries problems and being the worlds policeman.

  4. Well how would people in the UK feel if one of the African countries stepped in and tried to tell us how to run our NHS, or solve our mortgage problems?

    Countries just can't walk in and control other countries.

  5. It's called Non-Interference Policy.

    The idea is, we let every country s***w itself up because if you once start to jump in to try and sort some mess out, where do you stop?

    Ideally, UN imposed sanctions are designed to make a difference, but while giants like the US treat the UN with contempt that will never happen.

  6. I think a lot of these answers are just plain wrong, but I am glad the guy from Africa reminded us that there are also wealthy people there.

    For one, I think there is not enough resources going to the right places. Most countries will simply spend money on contracts that go to the countries themselves. Read Perkin's book - I was a hitman for capitalism or something.

    For two, the US got investment capital from day 1, 200 odd years ago. The lower hemisphere received capital only on condition that the right governments and corporations were set up to basically s***w people over. Africa is overcoming this historical situation very slowly and is very far behind.

    For three, Africa was also caught up in being puppets for the cold war between the USSR and the USA. Ronald Reagan in the 80's said that Nelson Mandela was a 'communist', and thus the conservatives at the time felt that the white minority government in South Africa was the correct one.

  7. I did not see your previous question, so I will try to answer that before answering this one.

    People of Africa are not all 'so poor'. The Western media for some reason likes to give the image of Africans being so desperate, poor and pathetic... maybe so Westerners can feel good about themselves, I don't know.

    Some Africans are poor yes, but there are also as many who are middle class or millionaires. But this half of Africa is never shown on TV. And not all African countries have bad rulers. Botswana, Gabon, Equitorial Guniea for example, have far higher GDP per capita than China.

    As for other nations trying to 'step in' to ensure Africa is run fairly, they do. The IMF and World Bank who provide loans to African countries (and other nations), will cut off those loans if they see that country to not be ruling justly or fairly.

    But a nation's sovereignty means that they rule themselves, and they are free to do as they wish regardless of international opinions. In the UK, we wouldn't want the Chinese or Russians telling our government what to do for example.

  8. Its not that easy. Logistically, financially, socially, culturally, historically and other things that ends in -ly would be a nightmare. Even if that country possess ressources that could be considered strategic, developped country rarely go in on their own or commit themselves in saving a country. Irak is a good example.

    For me, the idea on coming in and helping people and telling how they should govern themselves is the wrong approach, unless that they invited us in the first place, (as a people not just the local government).

    Beside, I think it would be just be easier if a country just comes invades it or conquers at least you know where to stand. Otherwise, just leave them in their own ****. Its the hard truth. Like people, who can possibily help them if they are not willing to help themselves.

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