
Why can't we all citizens of this world make a resolution this New year which will bring all of us together?

by  |  earlier

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We live in this world full of hatered.

People of a country fight against each other.

Different countries fight amongst each other.

And yet, we all agree and say "We want to save our earth"

Isn't it true "united we stand , alone, we fall"

when do you think it will happen?

How long will it take when we won't be seeing countries at war?

Do you think if we all make a resolution today, it can make a difference tomorrow, may be a far distant tomorrow?

I am optimistic, what about you?




  1. governments would no longer have power if every citizen united.thats the business they are in,divide and conquer.but dont get me wrong,i would love it a lennon fan.

  2. Because God Almighty has prophesied that there will be no unity.  Nations will hang together as well as iron, and clay...not well at all.  We can't save the Earth.  That is Gods' job, and He is going to destroy the Earth...the entire universe, in fact.  The very elements will melt.  There will be wars, and rumors of war, until the end.  I believe God more than I believe you.  I am not optimistic enough to think that you can over-rule God.

  3. It's better today than it was Yesterday, you just watch it too much.   I'm a realist.

  4. A very nice thought for the new year.

    And if the differences of our varying peoples could be resolved, it might come to pass.

    However, with Politics, religion, and racism, the chances are bleak

  5. There will be no war the exact instant that everyone's dead. We're a warlike race. Welcome to human nature.

  6. What are you running for Ms. America or what?

  7. It is a nice wish, but the world is full with savages who live and kill from one day to the other and are not willing to change for the better.


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