
Why can't we all just get along? Why can't we understand that everyone is different? Pro-Lifers to Pro-Choicer?

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No One is wrong do not tell me that I am wrong I just wish we could all agree to be unique and different..If we were all the same religion, sexuality and political party oh what a boring communist nation we would be!

Look at the beauty of originality!! Please people vote for who you will, but stop the name calling!

I may have done it before but what good does it really do?

It only makes us a nation of hateful people..I mean who really cares that the republican vp is supposedly "hot" will that make her a good leader? I am so tired of hearing people talk of her looks...Let's talk about hers and McCain's or obama and Biden's leadership skills who gives a sh** if they are a milf. vote how you want but PLEASE research the nominees and not only do it because you are supposedly a democrat or republican do it because the nominee speaks to you and believes what you believe!




  1. I agree

    it should be required to be completely informed in order to vote.

  2. wow... Why can't we all just get along? because thats the way it is, so quit bitchin about not having your d**n utopia and get over it. I'm so sick and tired of hearing  people like you whine over and over about how people arent nice and the world isn't perfect and everything is so harsh and all that bull ****

  3. Why can't we get along? Because one side is getting wealthy exploiting the weaknesses in our system and in fact all but destroying the future of the middle classes. They want to pay fewer taxes and expand the military side of our government more while not protecting our borders from a latin invasion of leaf blowing, subclass individuals who are outbreeding us and creating a war zone in our inner cities, for one.... the sad thing is that a clump of cells in an already overcrowded world have made such inroads into our political process.

  4. There are many issues where "live and let live" and "agree to disagree" are perfectly appropriate.  For people who believe that abortion is murder, this isn't one of them.  Pro-Lifers believe that an unborn baby is a human being and deserves the rights to life and that they must speak for the most helpless and innocent of our citizens.  I find it really hard to believe that the concept of having convictions is so foreign to you.  Surely there is some issue or some position that you see as too important to just let go of.  You really can't expect these people to allow what they perceive as murdering babies just to "get along".  

  5. I do not associate myself with filth

  6.       Tx"s Babe ,

          Read Proverbs 6: 16--19  ..

          Here , Is 7 reasons that many of Us , Are different .. You see

          You Pray , but to Whom !!??  If You have ever read , the Word

          of God enough You would be appaled , at what many do , as well

          You brought up Pro-Choice ..., ProLifers ..  Where the Bible states

          that "Hands that shed innocent blood ..  Is an Abomination ..., not

          just a Sin !! That is just one of the seven ..

          How is it You pray , but could not see the differance in Killing

          babys ..

          It has a verse that says Abhor that which is evil ..

          The Lord , exspected to at least , allow us our own choices ..

          Many , do not wish to serve the Lord , "With all their Hearts , Mind

          Soul ,body ,And Spirit ..

          Many Do Not want to only have Two choices , one to Love , the

          other to Hate .. As well every other versions , . There are only two

          Life , or Death .. Heaven , Or h**l ..

          Many are just like You .. Ignorant of Gods Lord , And dispise

          Wisdom ..., Look Into the Book of Ecclesiaste 9 : 14 --18 ..Here

          tell a good little story ,of a poor little Wise Man I would like You to

          read ..

          See It is ok , For You to make a joke , which is not : You Joke as

          If someones uterus is not Yours to care about .. Here again You ,

          show lack of Wisdom again as well , "It say's That You are Your

          Brothers Keeper (That includes Man , and WoMan)" ..  You are

          just as responcible for Your Neighbors uterus as well  .. In

         Genesis 3 :16 In the last half of the sqripture , where the woman

          is to have sorrow in giving birth , as part of her punishment , As

          well It says " the woman shall desire the man , and Then God

         gave the Man to rule over the woman , Not to Lord over the woman

          as to manipulate them , but mainly ,. God made him charge , so

         that , if something went wrong , it would be the Man that would

         have to answer to the God  ..  If every one was to show

         rightousness , we would not have to be separate the wolves from  

         the goats ..

          Everyone wants to run there ovwn way ,,,, when there  would be

          an order of disipline , and not a bunch of turkeys ..

          If We Acknowledge the Lord in all of His was , We would not need

          to even vote for a election  .. We would just do as the Lord would

          Ask of us .. With out a dought , no fuss , no problems ,

          Just as Christ commands . . No contrite Spirits , no demonic

          Attittudes , Just LOVE (GOD) ..

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