
Why can't we all just get along?

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Humanity seems h**l bent on destruction,What can we do about it?




  1. our current moral code produces it.  We must examine it and see that a moral code produces an effect.  We need to develop a new moral standard, instead of the current altruistic one.  Ayn Rand offered an egoist based one, but it is rejected due to the prejudices instilled in the altruistic code.  In other words the current code keeps the better one at bay!

  2. nothing

    just sit back and wait for the flying pigs

  3. Most of the destruction is based on the fact that people can't visually see how lives are connected. Visual input is more powerful than knowledge and it overrides all the tachers and religions that preach peace and love because it looks like we are separate. In fact no one exists outside the web of life.

    A small change in perspective can result in large effects. Once a person overcomes the view of non-connectedness, hurting others is seen as hurting oneself. The political system that we have is also the result of our delusions in voting gut-gas preferences based on delusion rather than correct understanding of life.

  4. where there is a -ve there is always +ve. And good things are done everyday. So humanity is not going for destruction

  5. we can't get on mainly becasue we want the same things - and we want them for ourselves to the exclusion of anyone else having them  

    two ways of solving this problem.

    more stuff


    less greeed.

    alas unique things can't be owned by two people (andf not jsut items  things like countries can't be owend exclusively by two sets of peoples) and there plenty of unique stuff -  so the 'more stuff' solution is out

    leaving only the 'less greed' solution -  turning away form selfish desires turning away from contiual grasping and reaching beyond our bourn! I am aware of a set of people who are very good at this control of greed and control of grasping desire -Buddhists

    You ask what can we do about it - take a leaf out of the buddhists book and THINK MINDFULLY is my response. Buddhism is practicable solely as a philosphy as well as practicable as a religion so no-one athesit or religious should be turned off form exploring the benefits of thinking like a buddhist.

    p.s we are not as h**l bent on destruction as we seem - a lot of that fear is extrapolated from individual scumbags  amongst us who are very good at being loud about what scum but most of it is not person specific at all it's just the detritus of the fastest period of social and intellectiual advancement in all human history that just gives the impression of uncaring chaos.  


  6. Hello?  Is this Rodney King?

  7. AS you dont want to be!

    Humanity is never bent on destruction only you are.

  8. The conflicts I think serve some greater purpose in life. They make us live strongly. We would not think, feel, work, fight or live as earnestly without conflicting situations at our disposal. If we are all together, equally peaceful and agreeing, then we have nowhere to go. The fact is that we have nowhere to go. Neither beyond vastness of space and nor across oceans of time we are likely to find anything better than what we already are. Then when we fight we do not seek to kill each other, for as I said before our conflicts serve a better purpose the resolving our dispute of wealth and honour. Our conflicts, if not love, are bound to keep us together. They make us aware not only of ourselves but also of each other. We would be lost without matters that matter to us most.

    I do not think peace is in the absence of conflict, it is in the presence of justice, and in harmony - harmony we have when we are together, and justice we need when we are not, when we choose to see it all through our own ways, when we fail to understand that nothing belong to anyone only the claims of people, that belong to the things they attempt to claim. When we see nothing among us common, nothing to enable us see things in the same way, we seek to impose ourselves upon others and fighting begins. We will fight until we see that ‘greater purpose’ among us that I speak so avidly of, that then we will lose sight us, only to fight again, and all fighting will stop when we will become the purpose that is.

  9. Matty, sweetheart, not everyone is h**l bent, honest.

  10. If you would have peace, work for justice.

    Think globally, act locally .

    Education is the great equalizer.  


    Pick your battles.

    Don't take everything personally.

    I do not remember the sources of all these quotes, but taken together, I think they answer your question:

    Justice eases people's hearts.  Most will accept a bad outcome if they believe it is a fair outcome.  We may not be able to take on the problems of the world, but we can certainly make sure that our own homes, own neighborhoods, and own communities are places where individuals can get a fair outcome.  Educated people are more resourceful, and thus more likely to come up with just solutions.  When you know better, you do better.  Don't accept the idea that more is better, and that you have to keep up with the Joneses.  In fact, sift through your options looking for the ones that minimize unfairness, maximize education, and do the least harm to the world around you.  Recognize that not every fight is your fight, but the fights you take on are battles you should try to give your heart to.  Recognize that people who speak ill of your cause are not talking about you as a person.  Even if they are, it is probably a lack of education on their part.  Educate them rather than taking offense and becoming angry with them.

    You can not change humanity, but you can change humans.  The one to start with is the one in the mirror.

  11. get on with it.

  12. We are not designed by nature to get along.  Look at the animal world, animals are always fighting each other, and struggling for supremacy.   Humans are the same.  

  13. Unfortunately its because we elect h**l bent power mad fools to run our countries and then get surprised when we have so many issues.

  14. i think its got something to do wit how humans feel this deep need to 'belong' and when they have that sense of belonging, they tend to feel like their group of people is much better than others, and therefore might start hating those who don't fit that group's norms... and i suppose that's when destruction is just waiting to happen....  

  15. I don't think we're h**l bent on destruction, but I do think humans have a destructive nature, even if it is an unwilling nature.

  16. I asked The God, "why you created many religions and many more differences between people?"

    God Replied to me, "When I am(God) alone, I got bored and unhappy. Started creating things from my power. You all came out of that creation. I don't want you to feel alone/unhappy. So, I created many things other then you for you."

    God said:: everyone worships me only, there is nothing other than me.

    If you drill down all religions, they will give same meaning.

    Understand that you won’t fight, you will feel like "you are in beautiful flower garden, garden of all flowers/love".

    If you can’t understand that you will feel and make world h**l.

  17. Too many egoist in (on) this world.  They all run after 'wants' and things that others have. The: "I,m better than the Jones'." syndrome.


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