
Why can't we as a nation revolt that we don't like our presidential candidate maybe a collaborative effort?

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I'm sick of having no more choice than this- any creative ideas of what Americans can do?

Maybe a huge "write-in" voting effort?

Why would this not work?




  1. We are captives of the two political parties. The movement of voters to a third party vote is an acceptable way to file a protest vote. However, then you have had no say in who will actually get elected.

    Due to contribution limits, it will be hard to organize a write in vote (non of the above only worked in the movies). To get the word out requires millions since the media will not give a dark horse coverage. A protest at the White House hardly gets mentioned in press outside of DC and sometimes not even there.

    Why not run yourself for an office building up to the Presidency? Only by personally being involved can one see the immense difficulties of being a politician. I, too, am not enamored by the candidates that have come forth this year. At one time I might have supported McCain but he's started to sound too much like Bush on some issues. On the Democratic side, I doubt Obama has the chops to be a leader of the free world.  Some of our most successful Presidents came from outside the Beltway; ones who were not part of the "system" already.

    More than a change of candidates, I would like to see a change in the timetable for running for office. Something more along the lines of England's method. think of the millions of $$$ that would be saved and could be put to better use. The political parties are following the first rule of business: stay in business. They keep at it because it lines their pockets.

  2. More than a year before the general election, persons can choose to participate in the nomination process of their party to get the best person nominated and on the ballot.

    In November 2008, persons can choose among a variety of candidates for president.  We have persons running in the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, the Socialist Party, etc.  Not all of these candidates will by on the ballot in all states.  

    Write in efforts do not work in presidential races, since persons choose to use the party nomination system for selecting candidates and since the operations of the electoral college system reduce the effectiveness of write in efforts.

  3. Cause the majority of people dont think like you pot head

  4. I know what you mean, I often feel like doing something to create change.

    It is just plain difficult to do a write-in voting plan without splitting up the party's choice and then we end up having it backfire by causing the perceived opponent to win!

    I considered a write-in this November for the first time, but I feel trapped by the party system and I will vote for the candidate I think outweighs the other in benefits to our country.

    The concept is GREAT otherwise!

  5. I think both parties are having buyer's remorse on their candidate, but getting Dems and Repubs to both agree on one third party (or write-in)candidate would be nearly impossible. Without the support of both sides a 3rd party candidate does not stand a chance. Do some research on Perot in 1996.

  6. Sure?

    That is the solution?

    What if the new one that replace him too.

    Comes in with self lack of knowledge?

    Do not even know how to trace the faults on what went wrong out there.

    Can be better than the last one who hit the street?

    Or having the new one at the wheel of the ship in going in circles too?


    One will not jump ship away from the new one too?

    At least the old one has better grasp on what went wrong out there in coming up with a solution in time.

    With changes being made and underway in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  7. If you could organize enough people that think your way, you might pull it off.

    Essentially, you would then be creating another political party, with all of the advantages and drawbacks that you now find to be a problem.

    But, hey, if you can do it, go for it.

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