
Why can't we create multistorey fields to solve food crisiss?

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There are food shortages, rising food costs etc right now.

Why can't humans create multistorey buildings that have an artificial enviroment so we can grow fields?




  1. Because then you would need artificial light between the storeys.

    You would also need  concrete and iron to have storeys on the top of each other...

    The light and the 2 products of heavy industries would require much additional energy.

    So basically the trade-off is between a food crisis and an energy crisis.


    Why not use efficient greenhouses instead?

  2. Yeah, and we could use artificial light to allow plants to grow and power them by turning the plants into fuel and....hang on, we are right back where we came in!

  3. It would be better to just shoot more people or start a war. Logans Run - the movie - did it best. You live till 30, then you get fried - bye bye

  4. There are a variety of companies in the world doing or starting to do this very thing.

    One proposal I saw the other day had vertical towers located in cities. That eliminates the transportation cost and time associated with transporting produce 100's or 1000's of miles.

  5. These buildings already exist they are known as vertical farms:

  6. only the top one would be in the light

    not much grows in the dark.

    but there are multi story food productions already .

    we can design beds with gaps and use mirrors and light to take care of the dark.

    We can also grow a lot of food on roof tops

    the air in the cities how ever is too contaminated to grow healthy food

    What makes you think that feeding the hungry is an issue????

    The food crisis is artificial

    it is a strategy for depopulation of the poor ,

    More than half of the worlds food is diverted for the production of Ethanol.So money is made at the same time.

    And the people doing this are not stupid .

    they know what effects this will have (way before any one else does)

    In 1998 at a Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen ,an American statesman revealed ,that their Agenda demanded a 60% drop .in the world population .

    This does not include saving people ,on the contrary.

  7. Cost?

  8. wasnt aware ppl grew fields tbh but if you mean grow plants id say its simply cost,

    vertical farms dont exist its just a concept

  9. Because Otis does not make elevators large enough to fit the John Deere 500 HP Model 9620 tractor and crop dusting, by either fixed or rotary wing aircraft, would be nearly impossible.  

    In addition to that, the cost per square foot to construct and maintain such a structure would be so high, the only crops you could grow would be...Alba truffles, Beluga caviar, black Périgord truffle, Château Latour 1945, sea scallops, red abalone, tree frog hors d'œuvres, and Greek red saffron.

    Only Chef Gordon Ramsey, Oprah, Bill Gates,  Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud (tree frogs give him indigestion), and Donald Trump consume these foods.  They are unfit for the masses.

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