
Why can't we get our Govenment downsized?????

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Why can't we get our Govenment downsized?????




  1. Once people are used to getting thier stuff from the government. It is hard to get them to change and do it for themselves. So the more free healthcare, welfare, and other governmental things. the less chance there will be change in the other direction.

  2. There are two wars going on, a major US city was recently obliterated and our largest generation is about to retire, also we have major disease and terrorist threats and now, more than ever, people are screwed if they lose thier jobs from outsourcing, so they need a safety net.  Finally, one in four americans has no private health insurance.

    The short answer is if we did that you would see old people eating catfood, peole living and dying in the streets, and possibly a massive disease outbreak.  The government has more to do than it has resources to do it.  Mexico has lots of wealth and small government, we could be more like them if you want, but seriously, how's that working for them?

  3. It must crumble first, no goverment, whether socialist or democratic, or a monarchy; has ever given up power or size unless it has been dismantled and rebuilt. In being rebuilt, it is manufactured by citizens, free men. Therefore, a government becomes for the people again, and not above the people. Government runs on power and money, without one of those growing, the other dies with it. If one is given, with out check and balance, the other will reside with the other and make it impossible to dismantle without a revolution. Revolutions always mean war, and war always has a winner, if it is a true war that is fought by forces that believe in their cause for liberty. The law of America was supposed to be a book that a free citizen could carry with them everywhere they go. youll need quite a truck to carry all of the laws today. good luck, and do not fret.

  4. Because people want jobs in the government.

  5. that would cut into the political power struggle. mostly we have politicians and not statesmen. Look at the greed (haliburton) and dishonesty that goes on in state elections (chicago,washington state) i'm pretty much disgusted with all of it. in the last state election here, one party was getting votes from drunks sleeping in the courthouse...cost/vote was a bottle of booze.

  6. Well, I am all for reducing expenditures for the defence industry.  The financial support for the military-industrial complex must be gradually minimized and then left to private contractors and only for the purpose of self-defense.

  7. Because to many people want to live off your and mind contributions to the system (tax's).

  8. Two main reasons:

    - Politicians buy votes with projects in their districts (called pork) .  This creates jobs and gets them re-elected.

    - Special interest groups fund campaigns and hire lobbyists to get their money back through favorable treatment (tax and otherwise).

    Both things increase spending and usually administrative employment.

    The Republicans have an interesting solution to overcome this.  It seems they plan to borrow the Federal Government into a situation where they can no longer spend more due to insolvency.  I think it is a poor plan.

  9. I think large corporations have done a great job of that already.

  10. i am with you buddy. sure is needed so the sobs get off our ***.

  11. that question has been asked at least since Ronald Reagan tried (and failed) to do it

  12. Because the Government is like a huge Company, which promotes people due to how much people they have work for them. So, every Joe Shmoe, who has some ambition, creates enormous amounts of useless paperwork and complaints long enough to his boss, until he gets more people. His boss likes it, because then he gets promoted to ans so forth. That's why former lean agencies like the FBI are now so boggled down with bureaucracy, that they actually just shovel paper from one end of the continent to the other.

  13. Because that would destroy too many high-paying jobs for the people who get the opportunity to vote for their own high-paying jobs and pay raises.  "Of course I don't want to vote myself out of my lavish lifestyle", said the career politician.

  14. That might make sense

  15. Because it keeps growing

  16. Because elected officals do not want to give up their power.

  17. Ask the Demos, they want it bigger.

  18. Where to start? Who to cull? They did that with the military, and suddenly we were stretched too thin for Iraq... We must be smart about how, where, and who we cut.

  19. Because the Libertarian party doesn't have enough cash to take on the big 2.

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