
Why can't we harness the power of storms/tornados and such?

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use this to poer our world.




  1. Because man does not have the power to stop air fronts from colliding, and making Tornadoes. And keep the water temperature down, to stop hurricanes.

  2. xoxox is correct ... far too unpredictable.  If you built a generator, where would you put it?  It would have to be constantly in the path of the storm.

  3. These are inconstant sources of energy, they are very unpredictable which means they are very unreliable. Sorry, try something else.

  4. i dont know .. but that would be the end of global warming ...

    You would be a millionaire if you could do that

    I better get to work .... joking


  5. Storms are generated by solar energy creating evaporation. Evaporated water vapor in the atmosphere creates clouds. Clouds block sunlight from reaching the surface evenly. The uneven heating causes wind. Wind plus clouds makes storms.

    So, if you capture enough solar energy before this cycle starts then you can prevent weather altogether and end life on the planet. OK so that's not gonna work.

    Storm energy is very concentrated wind energy. It is not sustained for a long time and would likely exceed the capacity if not destroy any storage device you came up with. Because the storms are concentraded in a small area you'd need a very wide collector to catch more storms. It is just not feasable to have a very large very robust collector sitting there waiting for a storm. It would cost more energy to make than it would collect.

  6. i guess if you lived in Florida or New Orleans. And we can not just predict the storms. We can also control them and send them in whatever dirction we want with atmospheric resonence technology, something HAARP has by now , I'm sure, got down to science. So, yes, I think that there could be a lot of untapped power there. Those storms cause so much destruction. It's time we figure out how to use them for good.

  7. Because we can't predict where they will be or for how long...Power is much easily generated when it comes from a constant source...

  8. Because that much power would destroy the wind capture device.

    A better question is:

    Why are empty fields are not being filled with devices to harness the massive amount of turbulent winds that are near to the ground? And why aren't we making dual use fence and wind capturing devices? Most fields are surrounded by fences.

    Farmer's fields are empty typically 2 to 4 months out of the year. In that time if every farmer harness the wind, they could probably generate enough power to power the US for a couple years.

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