
Why can't we have a Computer in Jail???

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Why can't we have a Computer in Jail???




  1. While we're at why not throw in a 5 course meal, dancing girls, country club complete with a golf course and just for fun we'll also add a nice plasma screen tv !

    Jail isn't made to keep there for life unless of course you done something really terrible that warrants that ! Best thing to do is get your ducks in a row get on the right track and do things that won't land you in jail.

  2. Because you are in JAIL. I also believe TVs and radio's shouldn't be allowed in jail or prison. The only thing that prisoners should have is a library. I also believe prisoners should not be allowed mail either. Okay maybe incoming mail once a month. I'm sick and tired of prisoner's rights. What about worrying more about homeless people or abused people's rights. Prisoners have it way too NICE. It's like they are on vacation; free food, free cable, free water, free gym, visitation, entertainment. That's why they keep coming back as repeat offenders.      

  3. The MAIN reason is because of the crimes that would be continued inside the walls. With the pedophiles and scammers that are arrested/incarcerated, if they were allowed internet access, it would be business as usual.

    Secondary reasons for no computers is simply financial considerations. Actual cost of the computers themselves, internet access lines, the cost of Correctional staff that would have to monitor the actions/equipment.  

    Jail and prison is not designed as luxury places. Computers are not considered as an entitlement nor even a priviledge, so it is not something that would be beneficial or needed in any way, shape or form.

    I hope this helps and you can find it useful

  4. That thing your looking at is a computer!

  5. Prison is for punks that need to learn to grow up, not so they can sit and scam innocent people online on the Net.

    The nation is sick of supporting crooks and giving them a computer to play on goes against everything prison stands for.

  6. i thought they did - there is even a website where prisoners can sign up to get mail from outsiders. i think

  7. Because it is jail. It is not the Hilton. It does not have to provide you with technology that is uneccessary,  You don't need to be in contact with your old friends or surfing the net to pick up desperate chicks.

  8. Prison is supposed to be a punishment not a vacation.  Our prison system is extremely lax.  They have pets, volleyball, baseball, a track, and in some cases 3 TV channels.  All they should get is enough food to eat and a bed to sleep on.  People purposely commit crimes now because they have a better life in prison...

  9. Are you in jail because you committed a crime? Yes? Then the only thing you are "entitled" to is 2000 calories per day, water to drink and legal representation if you have to appear before the courts. Other than that, it just basic human right of which cable TV and computers are not one.

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