
Why can't we just Save energy? & Turn off our Lights? Its simple!?

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PEOPLE! think Of global Warmingg.! Grrr!




  1. haha i know how you feel, but people just don't care. It's a shame, I know, and it really won't make a difference in the long term. Try promoting alternative energy sources.

  2. Let's do something about it. Go to the mayor of your town and start something like "Earth Hour", where everyone turns off their lights, and no cars are on the streets, and if someone needs to get somewhere, they bike. We can't just sit and complain, right?

  3. I have solar power. I don't have to live in the dark. For heat get a corn stove. You don't have to be cold. There are also cars that run on water of course the big oil companies don't want you to know that!! Instead of trying to save energy, do something about it.

  4. hmm....go to the mayor(gov't)....curfews for driving....forced lights forgot some things(other than we're not living in a facist nation that can force me to do all you and others have mentioned)......let's see, oh more CD music for you missy(petroleum product you know...oh,you didn't know?) more TV(waist of electric) more microwaving the food(gives off very dangerous rays....and let's not forget most of the clothes you probibily just "have" to have are bi products you'd be better off without....uh,how far we 'wanna go with this...I can make a list as long as your leg ,to conserve, but I don't think you'll like it!

  5. Well, although the saving of energy is novel, it isn't going to change the GW issue. Too many enviro-whacko's are making too much money and trying to force Big Government into your life with whacky polieis for them to stop.

    Do you honestly think Al Gore will hand back the money he's getting rich from in the carbon credit scam ?

    This is some people's bread and butter, they could get everything they want tomorrow and they will still push for more.

    Global warming is by and large a hoax, and if you don't think so you are severly under-educated. The GW crowd and their scientists have been caught lying to the public, they've exaggerated the supposed facts and haven't been able to duplicate anything regarding climate except in a laboratory.

    They tell you the polar bear is drowning,, but it has actually more than doubled in population since 1974, they tell you the polar ice caps are melting due to man made carbon but can't show c02 being the real culprit in the real world....oh....I guess they also forgot to tell people about the sub ocean volcanos under the ice caps too.

    Stop being a dolt and believing what they tell you, find the truth and the facts or stop proliferating the BS with endless discussion. its a hoax. Hansen said we had 20 years til the end of the world....20 years later we are still here. If you need a hobby, pick up knitting or something useful.

  6. Yes it is pretty simple..but who cares..

    when you dont need light remember to switch it off...but people dont bother..and that is why..we are having environmental problems and issues.

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