
Why can't we just give credit where credit is due?

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Over the years the average women have worked hard to birth, raise and produce helpful, happy and hard-working citizens. They've helped keep a good home and helped bring in extra cash so the family can continue leading a stable life. They've encouraged their husbands and stood by their sides.

Over the years the average man has supported, provided for and protected his family. He's been a caregiver and a disciplinarian. He's stood by his wife's side through labor and 18 years of raising well-adjusted children.

Yet some feminist and anti-feminist want to undermine the women who bring life in this world and undermine the men who seek to protect it.

It's never ending with the arguments about divorce and wage gaps and finger pointing. Why do we spend so much time finger pointing and not giving credit where credit is due.

Women have made wonderful contributions to society. Men have made wonderful contributions to society. In the bigger sense, we aren't separate entities. We all are like parts of a machine. Without one part, the machine fails.

Why is it so hard for people to understand this and why is it so hard for people to admit we need each other?




  1. You make a very valid point - the contributions of fathers and mothers are both vital and, if done right, continue to benefit society, generation after generation.

    I will never criticize a woman who chooses to stay home and do the almost impossible - raise good, healthy, stable, respectful children.  Likewise, a man who will work hard to ensure his family is provided for is someone worth honouring.

    The people I do have an issue with, however, are those women who think they deserve a medal for birthing a child.  Those who think they, somehow, deserve more consideration than those who have chosen NOT to overburden our planet with an already robust population.  

  2. Agreed.  We are interdependent.

    The blame game often causes us to forget that.

  3. In the short answer, because everyone wants to feel important.

    I completely agree with what you're saying - it's people like you who help the world go 'round, not the feminists/anti-feminists, although they have helped society in their own ways as well.

  4. I agree. With all of it. Have a star.

  5. This is something I frequently wonder myself.

    I'm of the opinion that we live in a time were it's not about being considerate of others. It's not about acknowledging the good and beauty and right in this world.

    It's all about me, me, me and how can I make everyone look at me, my suffering and the big, wonderful things I've done.

    We don't have families and friends anymore we have competing players in our daily lives. Mothers against fathers, brothers against sisters, neighbor against neighbor. We're only concerned with "How can I get this promotion, this money, this house, this car, this status, etc." When we should be concerned about raising happy, well adjusted children, providing a loving and stable home for our families and ourselves and working to build a safe community where every can lead happy lives.

  6. I will always give credit when it deserved and not mandated by society nor the law. I also prefer to credit the person, regardless of s*x.

  7. You are so right dear, I can still remember when it used to be that way.

  8. Aww.  Good question.  However, your perception of men and women begins at the family, and less people are having those now.  How do the genders relate without that 'need' for each other?  The past is endlessly debatable, what is important is where we are now, and what we do next  :-)

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