
Why can't we just let people be idiots? I mean whether you agree with someone or not, reporting them is ...?

by  |  earlier

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...just a weak *** move. I don't care what their position: if you can't tear it down with words then you maybe shouldn't disagree and if you can then just do it. I honestly can't ever see a reason to report someone unless, possibly , they post your phone number, address or real name so that you're in danger of getting murdered for your beliefs.

And to brag about reporting someone? Weak.




  1. For the most part I agree, the chat-room police are often kind of petty with the violations they hand out, but sometimes it is justified as some of the questions are beneath the dignity of anyone who should call themselves a human being.

  2. When I see blatant racism, hatred, or insulting speech I'll report it every time.  There's no place for it in here, or in the world.  

    Every question or answer that I've reported has been deleted.  That's not "bragging"; I say that as evidence that when I report someone, the people who run this site agree that it should have been reported.

    There's an alarming trend in this country whereby some people think it's "uncool" to cooperate with authorities to help them uphold the rules and the laws.  I am not one of those people.  Anarchy doesn't appeal to me.

  3. Agreed....I'd rather know where people stand then try to shut them up and let their poison stew inside....

    ...but YA has the legal issues to think least they have an appeal process...I've gotten some things re-instated (though more things NOT reinstated, most of which I still feel should have been allowed)

    My big issue is with reporting people AFTER the Best Answer has been arrived at...the question's been up for about 6 hours (at least, usually days), and only then does somebody have an issue with it?  Come on, you know that's somebody who couldn't stand to see you get BA over them...

    Still, I don't own the company...

  4. I'm willing to let people be idiots - UNTIL it begins to harm someone else. It is not strong to turn a blind eye to someone doing something wrong. I don't enjoy reporting someone, I have more fun things to do, but if they are racist, obscene, cruel and advocating bad things I will follow Yahoo guidelines and report them. I do it for the young and the less strong among us - not for me.

    I just reported someone a few minutes ago for strongly telling a depressed questioner to just go ahead and kill himself and get it over with.  If you can't see why I reported that then you will never understand my position.

    I'd rather give thumbs up and encourage people, but there are some things that are just WRONG and I won't ignore them to avoid unpleasantness!

  5. I have no problem with someone who doesn't agree with my views. I can usually hold my own in a discussion, and if I can't, then I need to reassess my own thoughts on a particular issue.

    The only time that I will report someone is if they're violating Y!A guidelines: insulting other participants, making racist remarks, and generally behaving like the north end of a southbound horse. I think we have a responsibility to our fellow participants here, and if someone is behaving badly, we need to speak up.

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