
Why can't we learn from this witch hunt???

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In today's supposedly civilised society, we have witch hunts galore where innocent people are charged, tried, judged & executed virtually (pun intended) with no thought to evidence or proof.




  1. Because babe the law lets the guilty go free while the innocent suffer.

  2. Because we are a curious species,who likes to snuffle around news stories,like a pig hunts for truffles.

  3. Because when guilty people like the McCanns avoid justice people get pissed.

    ||edit|| The proof that they are guilty of parental neglect is the fact that Maddy IS missing. What more is needed? Nowt.

    End of.

  4. Don't for one minute think that all people think that witches shouldn't be burnt at the stake..

    I have neighbours who think any thing to do with magic,fairy's,witches,

    stories about "Witches in Wardrobes""Bed nobs and Broomsticks" a Disney Classic are SATANIC and don't get them started on "Harry Potter".

    They think anyone who reads them are going to h**l..

    Faith there are nutters everywhere.It's still happening today in Africa and who knows what go on in some those countries in central europe.

  5. Because the law doesn't seem to work anymore. If you can buy your way out, then the law lets you do it. That isn't right and never has been. People are getting tired of it.  

  6. It is a sad state of affairs when mankind, usually men in positions of power, forget or can't learn from the past.  These poor/unfair decisions tend to be continually repeated.

  7. I can remember that quite well

  8. Some people think they know it all, and seem to think they don't need the courts ruling.

  9. mankind is a herd animal, always ready to attack anything or anyone who deviates from the norm

  10. Well in this case as with all of the other 'cleansing' deaths of witches were in fact legal.

    Under a Papal Bull the Jesuits were given the task of carrying out of the Inquisition, a particularly vile and unnecessary practise of weeding out so called witches who were mostly just a little different from other people or were simply accused out of spite or envy.

    Jews, gypsies and those of other religions were persecuted simply for not being catholic.

  11. Faith  Of course you are right. So many people are too quick to pick up on something and make a federal issue of it.and more than often if they are rich that only increases their hatred. Shambo is one of the worst offenders here as he can ony ever focus on one thing at a time,the McCanns. Cases like this he turns a blind eye to possibly because these evil mothers don't come from wealthy families or that he is so obsessed with the McCanns he sees nothing else.

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