
Why can't we sell our kids when an adoption agency can & adoptive parents can buy them from them or the state

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I mean not that I am in the market to do so or hope any one really wants to, I am just wondering what the difference is?




  1. I encourage everyone to expose people like this by reading their previous questions, then respond to them if you must.

    This person is sadly not capable of dialoging about this or any other issue in earnest.  Just pity him.

  2. Are you kidding me?  Again I ask, WHERE are you getting your facts from?

    Joslin I agree with you but she's also dangerous to people who might be uneducated enough to believe her.

  3. There are many steps before a parent's rights are terminated.  The state gives the biological parents a LOT of chances to do the right thing, and if their parental rights are terminated, well its not just because someone wants to "buy" their children.

    Most of the children in foster homes are not legally adoptable.  Most foster parents will tell you that they are working with the social worker, the biological parents and the children to return the child to their biological parents.  The goal of foster care is to return the children to their parents. In extreme cases parental rights are terminated, but only after so many requirements are not met.  

    you need to do some research, some fair and balanced research in order to back up your statements.  What you are saying (a million times over) is that adopted children are bought for a price, and children are priceless.    This is insulting to adoptive parents, biological parents, and most importantly, the children.  Please stop being so ignorant and asking (basically) the same thing over and over.  Its just hurtful and, honestly, quite hateful.  You are NOT helping anyone by making such ignorant statements.

  4. I think you need to do some looking into this. We adopted our daughter and the FEE that you pay is to pay for your COSTS!!!!!! Like the lawyer fee, court fees, overseas fees. Thats why there are costs. Its not like they are saying hey we want your money. You are paying for what they have to do to get the child to you. Its no different then if you go and do the work on your own to find a child. Look into something before you run off at the mouth!!!!!! You make it sound like people are just buying these childeren they arent they are giving them loving homes. So, look into it

  5. Adoption is not a human trafficking game.  It is a way of building loving families.  The fees paid to adoption agencies or attorneys is to help protect these innocent children by providing background checks, fingerprint checks, etc.  While I do agree that the fees can be overwhelming, if they prevent one child from ending up in slavery, abusive situations, etc. (the things you mentioned), then it is worth it.

  6. The money you pay for the adoption of a child is used to pay for the shelter and food of other children that end up in the orphanage.

  7. Go to the ivory coast.

    Buy a fishing boat.

    Hang out in the ocean for a bit.

    Just wait, they will be there soon.

    See those people with the AK's?

    Now you will know what slavery is.

  8. I think the money you pay to an agency goes towards legal fees and stuff so an adoption will not fall thru. I know someone who did a privite adoption and had decided to get her kid back. I think she may actually get her back.

  9. They call them "fees," but yeah, I see your point.

  10. coz ur not just selling some old sweatshirts or something.. ur talking about selling people. adoption is the legal way to do it thats why they do extensive background checks on canidates and have you fill out a bunch of paperwork. im pretty sure theres a day in court involved too but not 100% sure coz ive never been through it myself.

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