
Why can't we stop Animal Testing?? =[

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Why are we still alowing animal testing???

It is mean and cruel. We send in like hundreds of letters.

I wish we could take the people who worked/working at the testing centers and test on them... they are the meanest people in the world...

Can we just stop because it is sad and it kills so many animals and hurts them. I wish people can be nicer to them.


If you think we should stop animal testing sign your name (and if you don't feel comferable nickname) and maybe even put it as a star!! It would really show you would care... =]





  1. It's not your fault your nieve, you've jsut been sucked in by all the hype from activists. Your probably young and impressionable, no older than 15, give or take a few years. And it's easy for young people to want everything to be rainbows and sunshine. I wish i was still un-jaded.

    Fact is the hairspray you use, the make-up you wear, the shampoo and conditioner you use, the soap you use, basically any hygein or beauty product is the result of animal testing. Even those that say "Not Tested On Animals" only exist because they only use products that have been previousely tested on animals and deemed safe by the fda. So you they aren't tested on animals because they don't need to be, someone already did it 10, or 20, or 50 years earlier.

    We have to test on some biological creature so we can decide whether or not it's safe to use on people.

    Look at it this way. Your given three things, a bunny, a bottle of clear acid, and a bottle of water. catch is you don't know which bottle holds the acid and which holds the water. Now you have to drink one and you can only test on bottle. Your options are pour a drop of acid on yourself or on the bunny. Yea exactly, bye-bye Roger Rabbit. Thats basically what the scientists and chemists are doing for you.

    Something that doesn't harm an inanimate object could easily kill you, and when we mix chemicals together god knows what the result will be, so we got to test it on something. you don't want us to test on animals that leaves only humans, and i bet your not signing up to volunteer.

  2. Nothing sad about saving peoples, and animals, life's and keeping them from suffering.

    The standard lab mouse is used in the vast majority of research.  They are massed produced like chickens.  Millions of them every year.  So, do your really care all that much about a little white factory produced mouse?  Especially since the research done has in some way made it possible for you and your love ones to live a better life.

    Look up the word hypocrite.

  3. I don't get why you'd report her. =/

    It's cheaper, that's prolly the main reason.


  4. Jim gave you an excellent answer.

    Shouldn't you be glad of all the medication scientists have been able to produce because they test on animals?

    All the lives this has saved and all the lives future medication will save.

    (Both human and animal lives.)

  5. We cant stop it because there is no alternative at the moment for checking products such as medicines. Others because it is cheap and easy. Give the people an alternative that is easier and cheaper and the testing will stop. Until then you can try by petitions and letters but nothing will change. Money matters...

  6. um, yeah.. i'm not going to write your debate speach for you


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