
Why can't we the people see that parties and lobbyist are destroying our country and its people ??

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If all we can do as a people is call names and make fun of each candidate,,and devote our lives to party loyalty,,can't anyone see that we are doomed as a society,,unless we restore at least the OPPORTUNITY for our peoples to be able to realize the Old American Dream ??Without infrastructure repair and programs which strengthen America's social structure,,we are doomed to end as the Roman Empire did.. Those who do not study History,,are doomed to repeat it !!




  1. Civic Currency plus examination of history to see it does not occur again. Perhaps to post signs in yards recording the worse parts of a national history may help. Things like  Never Forget The Red Witch Hunts or Salem. There is also the possibility that elementary school students can make theirs if they were to be taught how to make their own currency in schools. If they do not know how to already.

  2. the american government is not the roman empire. have a little bit of faith, america is much better than that.  

  3. I don't mind the parties so much.  But the paid lobbyists I'll go along with.

  4. The people have been dumbed down . Drugged and brained washed . I could say read Jim Mars book the rise of the forth Reich . But most people would not understand it .

  5. Even though it is an unfair an undemocratic way to operate it is not destroying the US.  It's the way it has always been, in fact, it is getting better over time.  Look at other countries around the world and might makes right, whoever has the most money gets the most influence and is in charge.  But the more people like you and I react against the system and for a better way, the better it will get.

  6. Then vote for a third party candidate for President. If we elect someone not of the mainstream then the party leadership will get shocked into realizing they are not the people in charge.

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