
Why can't we vote online?

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Why can't we vote online?




  1. How is your identity 100% verifiable? How secure is your connection?

  2. It would be too easy for the Republicans to erase any votes they don't agree with.

  3. Ever hear of HACKERS?

    A couple of good worms or viruses could do wonders also.

    Unless computers can be GUARANTEED 100% SAFE and until we can find a way to guarantee all VOTERS are legal and voting ONLY ONCE,  we MUST assure all voting is backed up by written records so any disputes can be verified by hand counting and witnessed by properly selected and ceritfied poll judges.

  4. No existing infrastructure that meets all security and identity verification requirements as of yet.

  5. Oh my, I can see the libs crying already - its was rigged, it was rigged!!

  6. You can vote for the Unity08 nomination for President online.  See .  

    Security online is still too big an issue for the general election, I guess.

  7. I like the idea, but to date there is no good way of verifying the identity of the voter.

    There is too much voter fraud now, it would be even worse until the bugs get worked out of an online system

  8. Security of the vote and ensuring who is voting.

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