
Why can't white people act white?

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I'm sure this will get deleted. But there is nothing racist about this question.




  1. Haha try living in San diego. I'm the only person at my school that acts white. I laugh sometimes how all these kids think their so gangster and steal **** then they hop in their mommy's mercedes and go home.

  2. I am a white girl and I act white. I wear only white clothes, eat only mashed potatoes, drive a white truck and do not tan.


  3. To my knowledge no one can "act" a particular color.  If people used the ethnic identification half of the issues regarding behavior would get personified.  Some caucasian imitate other ethnic groups because there is MORE to that culture.  It has a unique statement about it and personifies a different style.  Anglo "style" is drab and uncolorful.  History shows the drive for them to take on the stylings of others in clothing, music, dress, hair, piercings, car customizing, etc.  Things that were considered as "heathen" and evil is now a part of THEIR culture.  It's ironic.

  4. " Why can't white people act white? " . . .

    Why do i get the feeling your talking between the lines,

    what your really referring to is why can't you say something

    about another race and getaway with it without being called

    a racist, cause you have the right to be white, " how am i

    doing " ?

    peace instead of pieces . . .

  5. Nobody acts "White" and nobody acts "Black"

    You can't act a skin colour. so theres no such thing as a "Wigga"

  6. MTV

  7. Hey man

    Not all White people act Nerdy  

  8. fo' shizzah

  9. They can't act white because theyve f**ked up so many times with so many people that they feel awkward around them because they have guilty cociences. White dude can't be normal around a black dude because our great great great who gives a sh*t grandfathers owned their great great great whatevers....

    h**l, we as a general white populous have screwed so many people over we can barely sit at a dinner table without "not feeling well".

  10. How can you act white? or black or anything else for that matter?

  11. Hellz yaz I hates when dose crackaz be all up in da shiznizzle perpetratin on da dark skinnid brodas. Honky out!

  12. BLAH

    i know right.

    i freakin hate wiggers.

    im not raciest but like...

    white people should be into ...not rap music..

    and not dress like 50 cent.

    or not tYpE lik dis and dat shet.

    but wiggers are not right

  13. Everyone has there battles in life!  

    Usually when someone pisses us off it is cuz they are a reflection of us in some way....

  14. no such thing as acting white.  

  15. by "white" u want them to say the word,"like", "oh my gosh", "totally", and "dude" ???

    wtf..white ppl can act anyway they want, just as long as they r being themselves. wtf is wrong with deadass im getting tired of this S**t

  16. There suddenly seems to be a lot of questions concerning the skin colour of there a full moon where you are?

  17. I suppose they're not properly trained.  Perhaps you could start a class.

  18. What is white.

    because your ancestors acted a certain way, that decided how we act today, we should automatically go along with it?

    No, **** that

    Be who you want to be. no one gives a ****.

    When you're dead no one will care how you acted.

    So get over it.

  19. And how should that be?

    I'm white and act myself...I don't try to act like anything.

  20. white is a color like black  you can not act a color

  21. how exactly does one act white?

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