
Why can't women get their money ready?

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Just been to Sainsburys.

Once again I am stuck behind a woman who does not decide to get her purse out until after she has packed her shopping.

The chap on the till said that this is normal,He and his fellow cashiers ran a survey, the result was most men have their money ready-most women do not.

Is it that men think ahead? and women can't?

I know its a stupid question, but the woman really got my back up.




  1. Every had your purse stolen, that why we try not to wave it around while the kids are screaming and the phone is going with the hubby as to where I am.

  2. As Kaz S has stated, it's just because some people can't cope with more than one thing going on at a time.

  3. Man if this is all you really have to worry about in Life, you should be happy.  GET  A Life DUDE!

  4. Hi, That's fine and dandy if you are only buying a few things,and can count as you go how much it will come to. But unless you have a brain like a calculator,how can you possibly know how much your shopping is going to come too. Sure you can guess,but if you guess wrong then you still have to go back into your purse for the rest of the money. Funny how it was a chap behind the counter,if it was a woman then you would have been told to shut up and wait your turn. Why do men have to be so annoying? Why is it men who ask the stupid questions?

    EDIT: Mr Bricklayer, I think you'll find your question was and I quote "why can't women get their MONEY ready". So stick that on your trowel bricky!!!!!

  5. and in the mean time your purse gets nicked while your packing your shopping in bags . Most men have pockets they use as wallets so its much easier

  6. You have noticed as well. That's in addition to using their trolleys to block aisles etc. and having conversations with the check out girls when there is a long queue waiting to be served. Also, they constantly take trolleys to the basket check outs, but the staff never say anything.

    I just came out of Sainsbury's a couple of hours ago. There was a long queue for the three counter basket checkout, which had merged out of necessity with a single basket checkout counter. It was working OK until a woman ignored the queue and went straight to the single checkout counter, then turned round and gave us all a stare (one bloke had shouted out, "is this a queue or not") The staff never say anything.

    Who is it that can't multi-task. Remind me.

  7. It's nothing to do with men and women, i'm sure it was just coincidence at your local supermarket (or possibly the fact that more women shop there than men?) I always get my money out ready.

  8. Well, I tend to get my purse out early but then I'm only trying to sort out shopping for 1 person. If you are trying to put through and pack a family's food for a week, it is hard to do with your purse in your hand.

    I'm sorry you won't get that 2 minutes of your life back, but perhaps next time you could offer to help her pack or something to speed up the process and, you know, behave like a nice person.

  9. I've noticed this too, even with my wife who is a very logical person.

    "Did you think you might not have to pay?" I ask her as she fumbles in her handbag at the checkout!

    Women will always be a mystery to us men, probably a good thing too.

  10. " I know its a stupid question, but the woman really got my back up."

    "  I know its a stupid answer, but look on the bright side,

    one of these days a hot woman one who like's a man

    who thinks like a boy scout, you know, as in the boy scout

    motto, " Always Be Prepared "  may get your front up insted,

    and your complaing days, will be over . . .

  11. Dunno, but it is annoying i see it all the time when i'm queueing for the lottery in ASDA.

    I have the exact money needed ready in hand but there's always someone in front of me usually a woman who hasn't even taken out their purse.

    If more people would just sort their **** out and get the correct money ready there would be less of a queue in the first place.

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