Why do we get harrassed and threatened when women try to help other women? For decades now, we've faced opposition and backlash.
Yet, it's quite common for people to prefer working with a specific group - disabled children, the elderly, people with HIV, kindergarden, etc. ---- we all enjoy working with specific populations.
None of these people ever get harassed. Nobody tells a child care worker that she is an adult-hater. Nobody calls an advocate for the elderly selfish (why cant you work for all people, not just the elderly??).
So, why do we do it to women?
I'm all for men working in feminism or working for a cooperative goal of equality, but I'm curious as to why ppl have a problem when you say you work for women's rights (mostly those on this forum, but certainly they exist in the real world too)
Don't give the same old rhetoric! Answer with honesty, pls