
Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i can! But when u open ur mouth it makes the top eyelash farther away from the bottom eyelash.

  2. because im concentrating =p and trying to get my eyelashes all perfect like the tv adverts though it doesnt happen =D

  3. You know I never would of thought about it if you hadn't said anything but now that you mention it I haven't a clue.

  4. hahah . i always do it with my mouth close ;p

  5. i can. but i have to think about it. my brain seems to think my eyes open wider when i do it,

  6. I know! It's funny but i put on my contacts with my mouth open!

  7. Because we're concentrating and because we can...:)

  8. I never open my mouth when putting on mascara.

  9. i can. lol

  10. Haha I actually was able to do that the other day...I didn't even realize I was doing it at first, but then I was proud of myself. LOL.  =]

  11. Because they talk all the time ?

  12. Um, I can....    guess it makes it easier to spread your eyes wider with your mouth opened?

  13. I can, I can!

    *jumps up and down*

  14. They need to stretch their face and thats the only way

  15. I can. Why can't you?

  16. i don't open my mouth when i put mine on?

    your such a stereotyper...ugh!

  17. I guess it's so that we can stretch our face and get our lashes lengthened. IDK. Good question

  18. I put mine on with my mouth closed. It can be done.

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