I was on the Frankfurt tram today and this band of "musicians" got on and played a ragged Tex-Mex rendition to liven things up and of course went down the aisle with the cup afterwards.
The German women sat stoically, eyes straight ahead unblinking like robotic ice queens...typical western behavior! But when the dudes passed them safely, they were grinning like possums, no doubt having sat through the music flexing their buns in near-orgasmic delight.
My question is, why don't women LOOSEN UP and THROW AWAY THOSE INHIBITIONS and show who you really are and what you are really about instead of PRETENDING? And pretending to be an ICE QUEEN at that? How pathetic!
Is it truly any wonder so many women are never happy? Look at them. It is obvious. They are sad, willing to settle for less, and preoccupied with the superficial.
Instead of whining about me telling the TRUTH, take a look at yourselves, PUPPEN, and ask yourself where you are going and do you know how to get there?