
Why can't you adopt a Trinidadian child while living abroad?

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I have been trying to get an answer to this question for a while. The orphanages overflowing and I would love to adopt a Trini child. DENIED! What de France? What sense dat making? I am a Trini and want to give a child a good life. ( allyuh ever see dem orphanages?Shameful is just scratching the surface!) Does this puzzle anyone but me?




  1. amazing isnt it?

    you're doing one of the best things ever by giving a child a wholesome life and u get rejected.

    i know of so many ppl who are willing to do this but beacause of the lenghty process just ended up not following up on it.

    this is ridiculous, i thought they wud be glad for a child to get a family who can actually support him/her.

    girl, maybe if your name was ending with Jolie they wud of accepted.... huh..

  2. the process is a long and drawn out one. So many checks and balances in place.

    But i will look into it and get back to you.

  3. I don't know much about child-adoption laws, but there's probably something against it, since they'll want you to be currently living in Trinidad...or something. Pz.

  4. it is probably the law i guess you know how backward Trinidad can be also remember if you don't live in the country how will they check up on the child?

    i think you seem nice and so on but they won't do it because they may not be able to monitor you

    but Trinidad has so many systems and laws that are c**p

    to me they should grant you the child and have an agency in the country you go in that can check up on you or something

  5. Well the system is archaic. Even if you live in Trinidad the process takes 6 years, that's a long time! So I can imagine they're simply not equipt, in their present incarnation, to facilitate international adoptions.

    Remember they have to be careful about human trafficking, which is real. It's way easier to traffic a child than an adult. You take the child of Trinidad, how then can they monitor you?

    I hope something works out because we have so many children who need to be adopted. The most we could do right now, is petition Social Development Minister Amery Brown to revise the adoption policies in T&T.

  6. Yes chic its really a whole lot of c**p!  

    I often wonder who the adoption agency is working in favour for!  Yes I understand that a thorough background check is essential, but the process is lenghty and rather tedious.

    If you are a citizen of Trinidad - I don't think it matters where you reside to be able to adopt a child - thats why more kids are being adopted through other means - some of which are illegal

  7. It is an awful shame cause my son´s babysitter here in Tobago wanted to adopt a little boy and the orphanage gave her alot of round around.....always asking her to bring presents for the boy and they never allowed her to even speak to the child....she eventually gave up and it maybe selfish for me to say that I am a bit glad cause now she is like a second mother to my son....

    They would always bring up some c**p excuse to prolong or even make it impossible for´s reaaly sad cause it ia always the children who end up paying the price of being denied a good family life.

    My advice, get a very good lawyer and take it from there.

  8. I have had some experience with the North American adoption system, I don't agree with the whole 'they can't monitor you" point of view because the adoption agencies make minimal contact after the fact. They may ask for proof that the child is thriving (like a doctor's letter or school letter), but other than're pretty much on your own.

    Never mind the three boys I already have...if Trini adoption were possible I'd be right there with you! My granny (God Bless this lady) goes every year and takes food, snacks and presents to this one particular orphanage (more than once a year if she can manage financially) and it is the sad truth that she has watched these children grow up right there; never finding families.

    I'm not sure what the exact laws are, or how a lawyer could even help, but call the Trinidad Embassy where you are and ask what their take on it is. If it can be done, they would have to be involved somehow.

    God Bless yuh gyal...yuh have a good heart dey!

  9. Prob. because there are children in need of a good home in the country  you are living in too! LOL.

    J/K. I would suspect it's because the adoption process is long and drawn out and requires various levels of oversight and monitoring and that would be really hard to do abroad.

    Plus Trini ppl (well most) are not like dem asian/ eastern european ppl  where you can just pick out the child and pay at the door like it's a bag of oranges.

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