
Why can't you drink alcohol after a tooth extraction?

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Has it something to do with the side effects of the local anaesthetic or is it simply to do with the healing process?

What would be the worst that could happen if I drank/ smoked?




  1. Drinking beer can cause a yeast infection in your mouth!

  2. Well, mixing it with any pain medication they might give you could be bad news but otherwise I think smoking and/or drinking inflames the tissue in your mouth and can slow the healing process or cause dry socket.

    Chances are it won't hurt ya at all - if ya wanna play the odds that is :P

  3. Mostly its due to the fact that when you drink alcohol your body cant clot as well so when you get a cut when u have alcohol in your system it will bleed for longer. The reason you dont drink after an extraction is to ensure that the tooth socket doesnt bleed for too long and that the tooth heals well. If you drink alcohol you may need to come in to the dentists again to get the socket sutured/stitched closed to stop it bleeding

  4. An anesthetic hangover is part of it, depending on how long ago it was, and how much you had, but the main concern is that alcohol thins your blood, which makes it harder for the blood to coagulate. Your gums might start bleeding from the abscess, and increase the risk of infection, if it got bad enough. Most people find that situation pretty disturbing.  Just let it heal for a day or two

  5. if you drink..drinking thins your blood so you could bleed heaps :P

    smoking puts presssure on the open cut when you draw back, and can also fill the hole with bacteria

    they sorta tell ya these things for your health lol

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