
Why can't you improve the thinking capabilities of your fellow human beings?

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Why can't you improve the thinking capabilities of your fellow human beings?




  1. Human beings are indeed thinkers.

    Thought comes easy to human beings, whether it be constructive or destructive.

    Maybe a human being should be taught the process of un-thinking.

    This might allow them to get rid of much unecessary mental baggage, they have been carrying around for years.

    Some human beings 'baggage containers' are overflowing.

    Thinking with clarity is a rare gift given to those that have thrown their unecessary baggage in the nearest dumpster.

    There may be some truth in the old saying: "Humans beings should be taught how to think, instead of what to think."

    There is always that possibility.

    I will always be a student, becoming a teacher is much to complex!


  2. Who says you cant ?

    Anyone can be taught, the human body is a masterpiece of adaptation, it can adapt to almost any stress you put on it, as long as you do it gradually and give it the proper tools and fuel to do so.

    You can teach people to think, its what education is supposed to do, but often fails at.

  3. You can, it's pretty easy.

    The hard part is getting them to admit you had anything to do with it, though.  I find the best approach is to pretend like they did it all on their own, it gets the job done and doesn't bruise any egos.

  4. When people lose hope that others are speaking the truth they stop listening.  The way to restore hope is to love.  Speaking someone's language, but inserting one new, hope-inspiring thought to digest each time you meet them, will get them thinking along more positive lines.

    Even the "stupidest" person will respond to love (ie. love = not thinking that anyone is stupid).  Once they trust you, then you can help them with other mental exercises that can help them to think and ponder on things.  Trust is what allows people to learn.  Sometimes trust can expand to include everyone and everything ... then that human being can learn from anyone and anything.

    Most people are capable of improving themselves, if they know how valuable and how loved they are.

  5. people grow up with certain beliefs and ideas from childhood. these thoughts get rooted deep inside their sub concious mind. their lifes' experiences shape and confirm these beliefs. so when someone else tries to tell them something different, they are unable to understand.they do not want to undo their own way of thinking, unless you prove it to them in a scientifically / logically that what you are sayying is the right thing.

    until the age of three you can improve the thinking the capabilities of an individual by teaching him/her the rights and wrongs of life. after that the child starts froming his/her own opinions based on their experiences , so it is a littllllllll....e more difficult to make them understand something. later through early childhood they have a mind set of their own and at the adolescent stage they absolutely refuse to compromise on their behaviour/beliefs. later they might change a bit here and a bit there. ibut by then the character of that person has already been formed.

    so if you want to change someone's thinking you gotta give them scientific/ logical explanation fo your view. but even then human nature is sooooooooooo stubborn that you may still have difficulty in making them admit that they agree with you.

  6. Closed minds could not be improved in further developmentsof their utmost capabilities but with reasonable thoughts in minds to communicate properly is already an improvements to our fellow human beings... even animals do have some improvements in our communications with them, so, what's more with fellow human beings or with our uniformatic creatures with individual diversity?...

  7. That is what exactly we are doing in the 'yahoo answers"

  8. yes we can.... by giving them positive company..They will lift their morale and they will  be surprised at how quickly your  positivity will rub off on them...give them  books written by people who are THINKING POSITIVE LY.

  9. you can if you want to. the choice is yours

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