
Why can't you mentally challenged pro-illegals admit?

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You're grasping for straws with your lame arguments.

1. There was no government to request citizenship from for the pilgrims. Ancient history is one of your farthest reaches.

2. Illegals are only looking to better their lives. Since you brought up Mexicans, lets start with them. What is it that makes it impossible for them to use their determination to make changes in their own country, have a revolution in their own country and let their government know they want more from life and are willing to do something about it?

3. The southwest belongs to them. More recent history. Who lost the Mexican-American war? It the southwest was still under Mexican rule, they wouldn't still be heading for a different border?

4. They do jobs Americans won't. How did this country survive before the mass invasion? How do parts of it survive now that don't have a huge illegal population? The only ones who won't do the work is the pro-illegals, that's why they want them here.




  1. i completely agree with you.  i am sick and tired of the same old ranting about aliens needing our help and that we should take care of them.  this is bulls***.  first of all, it is because of the liberal thinkers in this country that think we should give away all our resources to help everyone. here's a thought, help yourself. if you don't like it where you are, change it, don't run away from the problem.  secondly, illegal aliens are ruining the american ecomony.  there are all these 'programs' to help people who can't speak english, don't know how to so anything, and it is s******g up not only the economy, but the education system.  our country's education is disgusting! we are so preoccipied with being politically correct adn 'helping the poor children' that we loose focus.  and another thing, aliens don't do the jobs no one else wants to do.  if you want a job, you will find one.  it is the lazy people who don't want to work blame the illegals.  we got along fine when out borders were controled, and we don't need illegals to'do the work no one wants to do'.  everyone wants a job. it might not be the best job, but it's a job.  illegals are stealing what little jobs there are in this recession and as a result homeless and out of work families are on the rise.  thank you for that all you illegals.  we really need you here. (sarcasm for those of you who can't understand)

  2. i think anti immigrants r the ones who r not using their brain. its useless 2 argue wit them.

  3. What happened to this question the first time? You must have touched a nerve and some panty waste could not handle it, why do people violate people because we state our opinions, lower than low, but what else can you expect look at the mentality of these pro's!!! To answer your question - because they do not want to accept it, they deny what they read and hear on the subject!!

    Report and Deport!!!

  4. They have nothing cognitive to add to the debate so they go with what they have - drivel!

    And they are aided by the media who can't write a story unless it uses terms like "work that Americans won't do", "undocumented worker", "looking for a better life" and my favorite "hard worker".  How DID this country get along for 200 years without them anyway????  The answer - Fantastic - we had a much more stable economy and less problems then now with the 2 class society they are driving us into.

  5. Well, Adolf...sorry Alberto, I don't know about the mentally challenged, but I can tell you this:

    1 - That thing of no government to request citizenship from is a typical lawyer's argument. It does not eliminate the fact of the Europeans buying the lands for a handful of marbles. They took advantage of the native Americans who didn't have the European notion of buying the lands.

    3 - About the southwest, I shall leave that between yanks and Mexicans to deal with

    4 - Times are not the same anymore. Nowadays most yanks won't do the jobs that illegals do

    You can rant all you want, but those are the facts, like them or not

  6. If you're trying to persuade somebody of something or see your way of thinking. You might want to re-think the insults. That is a sure way for people not to take you seriously.

    Just a thought.

  7. .

  8. If the Southwest really belongs to Mexico why are they still not trying to get it back ? Are they this meek and mild and  they would rather wait until someone else's will do it for them? # 2 you cannot speak for every illegal and have decided that guy who did the triple murder in SF, mainly he was only interested in feeding the family? Another thing, why would a family living in poverty suddenly decide that having more kids is a great idea? Never mind they cannot even feed the family they currently have. Trying to go back decades ago is clutching at straws. What has happened has happened. If you disagree,take it up with God in the after life.How did we survive world war 1-2-how did we survive 9-11-where were the Mexicans at during these events ? You make it sound like Mexicans created miracles,walked across water,why can Mexican only do miracles here but not in Mexico ? Did God tell the illegals , it is OK to to lie,it is OK to use fake or stolen documents,it is OK ignore immigration laws,since when did illegal become supernatural people with supernatural powers ?

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